41st Parliament,
2nd Session
(October 16, 2013 - August 2, 2015)
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Meeting Detail
Supplementary Estimates (A) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016
- Paul Griffin, President and CEO(Marine Atlantic )
- Alan Latourelle, Chief Executive Officer(Parks Canada)
- Daniel Lebel, Director General, Atlantic and Western Canada Branch, Geological Survey of Canada, Earth Sciences Sector(Natural Resources Canada)
- Jonathan Lundy, Chief Transition Officer(Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Marty Muldoon, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer(Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
- Niall O'Dea, Director General, Electricity Resources Branch, Energy Sector(Natural Resources Canada)
- Kami Ramcharan, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Management and Services Sector(Natural Resources Canada)
- David Smith, Vice President of Operations(Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
- Kevin Stringer, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Ecosystems and Fisheries Management(Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
- Michel Vermette, Deputy Commissioner, Vessel Procurement(Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription