37th Parliament,
2nd Session
(September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)
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Meeting Detail
Study and report upon the operation of the Official Languages Act, and of regulations and directives made thereunder, within those institutions subject to the Act, as well as upon the reports of the Commissioner of Official Languages, the President of the Treasury Board and the Minister of Canadian Heritage
- The Honourable Sheila Copps, P.C., M.P., Minister of Canadian Heritage(Canadian Heritage)
- René Bouchard, Director General, Broadcasting Policy and Innovation(Department of Canadian Heritage)
- Hilaire Lemoine, Director General, Official Languages Support Programs(From the Department of Canadian Heritage)
- Susan Peterson, Assistant Deputy Minister, Cultural Affairs(From the Department of Canadian Heritage:)
- Eileen Sarkar, Assistant Deputy Minister, Citizenship and Heritage(From the Department of Canadian Heritage:)
Study and report upon the report entitled Environmental Scan: Access to Justice in Both Official Languages, revised on July 25, 2002, and commissioned by the Department of Justice of Canada
Consideration of a draft report
Study and report upon the operation of the Official Languages Act, and of regulations and directives made thereunder, within those institutions subject to the Act, as well as upon the reports of the Commissioner of Official Languages, the President of the Treasury Board and the Minister of Canadian Heritage
- Pierre Gaudet, Acting Coordinator(From the "Consortium national de formation en santé":)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription