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SELE - Standing Committee

Selection Committee

Upcoming meeting(s)

There are no planned meetings for this committee.

View full meeting schedule

Contact information

Marie-Eve Belzile, Clerk
(613) 793-3679

Brigitte Martineau, Administrative Assistant
(613) 720-9930

General Information


Media inquiries

Mailing Address
Committee of Selection
The Senate of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1A 0A4


Pursuant to Rule 12-1 and 12-2, the Committee of Selection is appointed at the start of each session with a membership that is, nearly as practicable, proportionate to the membership of the recognized parties and recognized parliamentary groups in the Senate. The committee has a mandate to present a report to the Senate, nominating senators to serve on standing and standing joint committees. The committee is also empowered to inquire into and report on any other matter referred to it by the Senate and to propose to the Senate from time to time, changes to the membership of a committee.

SELE Committee members

The list of members is not available for this session

Committee business

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