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CIBA - Standing Committee

Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration


Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Issue 5 - Minutes of Proceedings - March 8, 2012

OTTAWA, Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration met this day, at 8:33 a.m., the chair, the Honourable David Tkachuk, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Carignan, Comeau, Cordy, Dawson, Di Nino, Downe, Furey, Marshall, Munson, Charette-Poulin, Smith (Saurel), Stewart Olsen, Stratton, and Tkachuk (14).

In attendance: Mr. Gary W. O'Brien, Clerk of the Senate and other senior Senate officials.

IE/2012-03-08/114(P) — Adoption of Minutes of Proceedings

It was moved, by Senator Downe, that the minutes of proceedings of February 16, 2012, public portion, be adopted.

The question being put on the motion, it was resolved in the affirmative.

IE/2012-03-08/115(P) — Environmental Scan of Scent Free Policies

The Director, Human Resources, presented a briefing note regarding an environmental scan done of scent-free policies and practices in other Canadian legislative and public institutions.

It was agreed that further discussion on this item be deferred to a subsequent meeting after the break.

IE/2012-03-08/116(P) — Agreement Renewal for the PIM Program Lead

The Director, Information Services, presented a briefing note requesting approval to exceed the $100,000 threshold in order to renew the agreement for the sharing of the salary cost for the Parliamentary Information Management Program Lead position.

The question being put on the motion, it was resolved in the affirmative.

IE/2012-03-08/117(P) — Cap on Committee Expenditures for 2012-2013

It was agreed that the Subcommittee on the Review of Committee Budgets and International Travel be asked to bring forth a recommendation to the full Committee regarding setting a cap on committee travel expenditures for fiscal year 2012-13.

IE/2012-03-08/118(P) — Membership of the Artwork Advisory Working Group (AAWG)

It was moved, by Senator Stewart Olsen, that the Membership of the Artwork Advisory Working Group (AAWG) be composed of Senators Fortin-Duplessis (Chair); Ogilvie; Frum: Ataullahjan; Joyal; Moore; and Callbeck.

The question being put on the motion, it was resolved in the affirmative.

At 8:41 a.m., the committee proceeded in camera.

At 9:41 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Gary W. O'Brien

Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Standing Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Lucie Lavoie

Recording Secretary

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