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Journals of the Senate

59 Elizabeth II, A.D. 2010, Canada

Journals of the Senate

3rd Session, 40th Parliament

Issue 46

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
2:00 p.m.

The Honourable Noël A. Kinsella, Speaker

The Members convened were:

The Honourable Senators

Andreychuk, Angus, Baker, Banks, Boisvenu, Braley, Brazeau, Brown, Callbeck, Campbell, Carignan, Chaput, Cochrane, Comeau, Cools, Cowan, Dallaire, Dawson, Day, Dickson, Downe, Duffy, Dyck, Eaton, Fairbairn, Finley, Fortin-Duplessis, Fox, Fraser, Frum, Furey, Gerstein, Greene, Harb, Housakos, Hubley, Jaffer, Johnson, Kinsella, Kochhar, Lang, LeBreton, Lovelace Nicholas, MacDonald, Mahovlich, Manning, Marshall, Martin, Massicotte, McCoy, Meighen, Merchant, Mitchell, Mockler, Moore, Munson, Neufeld, Ogilvie, Oliver, Patterson, Pépin, Plett, Poirier, Raine, Ringuette, Rivest, Robichaud, Rompkey, Runciman, Segal, Seidman, Sibbeston, Smith, Stewart Olsen, Stollery, Stratton, Tkachuk, Wallace, Wallin, Zimmer

The Members in attendance to business were:

The Honourable Senators

Andreychuk, Angus, Baker, Banks, Boisvenu, Braley, Brazeau, Brown, Callbeck, Campbell, Carignan, *Champagne, Chaput, Cochrane, Comeau, Cools, Cowan, Dallaire, Dawson, Day, *De Bané, Dickson, Downe, Duffy, Dyck, Eaton, Fairbairn, Finley, Fortin-Duplessis, Fox, Fraser, Frum, Furey, Gerstein, Greene, Harb, Housakos, Hubley, Jaffer, Johnson, Kinsella, Kochhar, Lang, LeBreton, *Losier-Cool, Lovelace Nicholas, MacDonald, Mahovlich, Manning, Marshall, Martin, Massicotte, McCoy, Meighen, Merchant, Mitchell, Mockler, Moore, Munson, *Murray, Neufeld, Ogilvie, Oliver, Patterson, Pépin, Plett, Poirier, Raine, Ringuette, *Rivard, Rivest, Robichaud, Rompkey, Runciman, Segal, Seidman, Sibbeston, Smith, Stewart Olsen, Stollery, Stratton, Tkachuk, Wallace, Wallin, Zimmer

The first list records senators present in the Senate Chamber during the course of the sitting.

An asterisk in the second list indicates a senator who, while not present during the sitting, was in attendance to business, as defined in subsections 8(2) and (3) of the Senators Attendance Policy.



Some Honourable Senators made statements.




Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Nancy Ruth, seconded by the Honourable Senator Nolin, for the third reading of Bill S-4, An Act respecting family homes situated on First Nation reserves and matrimonial interests or rights in or to structures and lands situated on those reserves, as amended.

After debate,
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted on the following vote:


The Honourable Senators

Andreychuk, Angus, Boisvenu, Braley, Brazeau, Brown, Carignan, Cochrane, Comeau, Dickson, Duffy, Eaton, Finley, Fortin-Duplessis, Frum, Gerstein, Greene, Housakos, Johnson, Kinsella, Kochhar, Lang, LeBreton, MacDonald, Manning, Marshall, Martin, Meighen, Mockler, Neufeld, Ogilvie, Oliver, Patterson, Plett, Poirier, Raine, Rivest, Runciman, Segal, Seidman, Stewart Olsen, Stratton, Tkachuk, Wallace, Wallin—45


The Honourable Senators

Baker, Banks, Callbeck, Campbell, Chaput, Cowan, Dallaire, Day, Downe, Dyck, Fairbairn, Fraser, Furey, Harb, Hubley, Jaffer, Lovelace Nicholas, Mahovlich, Massicotte, McCoy, Merchant, Mitchell, Moore, Munson, Pépin, Ringuette, Robichaud, Rompkey, Sibbeston, Smith, Stollery, Zimmer—32


The Honourable Senators


Accordingly, Bill S-4, as amended, was read the third time and passed.

Ordered, That the Clerk do go down to the House of Commons and acquaint that House that the Senate has passed this bill, to which it desires its concurrence.

°    °    °

Orders No. 2 to 5 were called and postponed until the next sitting.


Order No. 1 was called and postponed until the next sitting.


Senate Public Bills

Orders No. 1 to 9 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

Commons Public Bills

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Tardif, seconded by the Honourable Senator Rivest, for the second reading of Bill C-232, An Act to amend the Supreme Court Act (understanding the official languages).

After debate,
The Honourable Senator Meighen moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Oliver, that further debate on the motion be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

°    °    °

Orders No. 2 to 5 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

Reports of Committees

Orders No. 1 to 10 were called and postponed until the next sitting.


Orders No. 14, 2, 15, 8, 5, 12 (inquiries), 38 (motion), 13 (inquiry), 57 (motion), 7, 18, 17 (inquiries), 50 (motion), 3, 11, 16 (inquiries), 41 (motion), 1 and 9 (inquiries) were called and postponed until the next sitting.

°    °    °

Resuming debate on the inquiry of the Honourable Senator Brazeau, calling the attention of the Senate to the issue of accountability, transparency and responsibility in Canada's Aboriginal Affairs.

After debate,
The Honourable Senator Fraser moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Hubley, that further debate on the inquiry be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.


Pursuant to subsection 12.(1) of the Conflict of Interest Code for Senators, a declaration of private interest was made as follows:

—By oral declaration, the Honourable Senator Smith, P.C. (Bill C-232).


The Honourable Senator Comeau moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Eaton:

That the Senate do now adjourn.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

(Accordingly, at 5:06 p.m. the Senate was continued until 1:30 p.m. tomorrow.)

Changes in Membership of Committees Pursuant to Rule 85(4)

Special Senate Committee on Anti-terrorism

The Honourable Senator Smith, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Dallaire (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Joyal, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Baker, P.C. (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Baker, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Joyal, P.C. (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Dallaire replaced the Honourable Senator Smith, P.C. (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Marshall replaced the Honourable Senator Plett (June 29, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Nolin replaced the Honourable Senator Wallace (June 29, 2010).

Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources

The Honourable Senator Banks replaced the Honourable Senator Baker, P.C. (June 30, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Frum replaced the Honourable Senator Johnson (June 30, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Johnson replaced the Honourable Senator Frum (June 29, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Baker, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Banks (June 29, 2010).

Standing Senate Committee on National Finance

The Honourable Senator Finley replaced the Honourable Senator Greene (July 6, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Dickson replaced the Honourable Senator Andreychuk (July 6, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Andreychuk replaced the Honourable Senator Nolin (July 6, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Greene replaced the Honourable Senator Finley (July 6, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Nolin replaced the Honourable Senator Dickson (July 6, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Neufeld replaced the Honourable Senator Seidman (July 6, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Callbeck replaced the Honourable Senator Chaput (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Baker, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Banks (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Banks replaced the Honourable Senator Mitchell (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Moore replaced the Honourable Senator Baker, P.C. (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Chaput replaced the Honourable Senator Callbeck (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Seidman replaced the Honourable Senator Neufeld (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Neufeld replaced the Honourable Senator LeBreton, P.C. (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator LeBreton, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Neufeld (July 5, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Baker, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Peterson (June 30, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Dickson replaced the Honourable Senator MacDonald (June 30, 2010).

The Honourable Senator MacDonald replaced the Honourable Senator Dickson (June 30, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Neufeld replaced the Honourable Senator Martin (June 30, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Finley replaced the Honourable Senator Wallace (June 30, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Peterson replaced the Honourable Senator Moore (June 29, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Callbeck replaced the Honourable Senator Chaput (June 29, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Martin replaced the Honourable Senator Neufeld (June 29, 2010).

The Honourable Senator Wallace replaced the Honourable Senator Finley (June 29, 2010).


(Journals of the Senate, Wednesday, June 23, 2010)

Add the names of the Honourable Senators *Finley and *Meighen to the list of Senators in attendance to business.

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