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Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry




“…water is, in fact, a rural resource.”

Dr. Mohammed Dore, Brock University[1]


“…the climate anomaly of greatest concern is drought.”

Dr. Dave Sauchyn, University of Regina[2]

Climate affects all aspects of the hydrological cycle. Consequently, changes in the climate are likely to affect water supplies and demands, as well as ecosystems that specifically depend upon regular supplies of water. The Committee heard evidence of how climate change might affect ecosystems and water supplies, potential impacts on water demands, the effect on our agriculture, forests and rural communities, and some adaptation strategies.


A. Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources 

Climate change may affect the quantity, quality, timing, location, and reliability of water supplies. Warmer temperatures will alter the magnitude and the timing of precipitation. Furthermore, warm air holds more moisture and increases evaporation of surface moisture. With more moisture in the atmosphere, precipitation tends to be more intense, increasing the potential for extreme events such as floods. As Dr. Sauchyn, Coordinator, C-CIARN Prairies, stated: 

“We expect storms to occur with increasing frequency so that a rainstorm … of a certain size will occur more often.”[3] 

But of all the aspects of climate change that have been studied, such as temperature, precipitation is the least understood, and predictions on how precipitation regimes will change are the most uncertain. Dr. Sauchyn continued:  

“The forecast of precipitation [indicates] anything from a small decrease in precipitation to quite a large increase. Most of the scientific information points to actually increased rainfall and snowfall in the Prairie provinces…[yet] as a result of the higher temperatures, there will be a much greater loss of water by evaporation, and also plants will transpire more water. As a result of the increased water loss, the major impacts of climate change on the Prairie provinces are loss of soil moisture and surface water. Even though the good news is a longer growing season, the major limitation, as a result of climate change, will be the loss of water. The loss by evaporation, in particular, will much exceed the increased precipitation that is forecast.”[4] 

Dr. Rhonda McDougal of Ducks Unlimited gave a regional perspective of the effects on agriculture in the Prairie pothole region, where most of Canada’s crop activity is situated: 

“On the Prairies, a high percentage of farm families and rural communities rely on surface water sources for their drinking water, for livestock and all their other water needs. This is a real concern across the Prairies, which are in a water-limited situation every year, particularly in the last few years.”[5] 

Most troublesome for farmers and the forest industry is that, 

“the water cycle will be more variable, so there will be wet years. In fact, we expect there will be years that are wetter than normal but, at the same time, there will be years that are much drier than normal…”[6] 

In Canada, snow and ice are the principal source of runoff that supplies our surface bodies of water, such as lake, rivers, and streams. Changes in snow accumulation in Canada’s mountain ranges may not necessarily be gradual; indeed, there may be a “radical change” due to warmer winters.  For the Prairies, the implications will be especially profound.  Much of the water in Saskatchewan and Alberta is derived from glacier and snowmelt in the Rocky Mountains.  This snowmelt is the basis for irrigation in southern Alberta and western Saskatchewan, and all of the cities in these two provinces derive their water either directly or indirectly from the Rocky Mountains. Yet, scientists expect most of the glaciers in the Rocky Mountains to disappear this century.  

Similar changes are occurring in some other parts of the globe. For instance, Mount Kilimanjaro, which has not been ice-free for 11,000 years, will be ice-free within the next 20 or 30 years.  On the other hand, Mr. Peter Johnson, Science Advisor for C-CIARN North, mentioned that the warming that has been taking place in the North Atlantic and over the Nordic countries has increased the amount of snow, which in turn has increased the massive glaciers in Scandinavia.  In this case, the connection is being observed between warmer temperatures, increasing open water evaporation, and more snow.   

Dr. Sauchyn stated that the “dominant impact of climate change on the Prairie provinces [will be] the expansion of the land that is currently dry and supports grasses, and a shrinking of the land that is currently relatively wet and supports trees…[one] can easily appreciate the implications of this for both agriculture and forestry.”  This loss in surface water will affect wetland ecosystems – habitats and wildlife:

“As we see these wetlands drying up and disappearing on the Prairies, we will also see a loss of rare plant species. We will see a loss of habitat and of some of the shelter belts and willow rings around these systems. Therefore, we will lose habitat for species at risk, for species that use these places as watering holes and as protection from predators at various times in their life cycles.” (Ducks Unlimited)[7]

Ms. Cheryl Bradley, from the Federation of Alberta Naturalists, mentioned that the modelling of river flows for the South Saskatchewan River Basin Water Management Plan process has determined that if instream flow needs are to be met for water quality, fish, riparian habitats and channel maintenance, limits for water allocation have been reached or exceeded in the Bow River, Oldman River, South Saskatchewan River and their tributaries.  Mr. Petrus Rykes, Vice-President, Land and Environment Portfolio of the Council of Tourism Associations of British Columbia, conceded that even his area of west Chilcotin, which is surrounded by significant glaciers, the water table is drying up. Thus, if the snowpacks are not replenished, there could be water-related conflicts in the future.   


B. Water Stresses on Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Communities 

“Land without water is a tough sell.”

Mr. Petrus Rykes, Vice-President, Land and Environment

Portfolio of the Council of Tourism Associations of British Columbia[8]

Although changes in precipitation patterns are still uncertain, they will force Canadians to operate very differently in terms of their use of water.  Given the demands for water by agriculture, the forest industry, and households in rural and urban areas, the evidence indicates that water-use conflicts will increase.   

Picture 3: Above: St-Lawrence River 1999 – extreme level lower by 1 meter. Below: 1994 – average for the last 30 years.  If 1999 was the average, which extremes are added?

Source: Alain Bourque, brief submitted to the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Ottawa, December 12, 2002.

Across Canada from the Atlantic to the west coast, agriculture, forests, and rural communities are experiencing water stress.  For example, in Atlantic Canada, Mr. Jean-Louis Daigle, of the Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Centre, mentioned that a consultant group had undertaken an initial examination of water availability in consultation with the agriculture industry.  The study concluded that there might not be a net shortage of water on an annual basis in the four provinces.  It did, however, identify key issues including the availability of water in critical periods for agriculture, potential concerns over the allocation of water resources, and water quality for irrigation and the livestock. 

The northern part of British Columbia is experiencing more rain and less snow.  While this phenomenon has caused spring flooding, river levels later in the year are at record lows.  This has affected numerous farmers, but in different ways.  The Committee was told that one Prince George farmer used to water every second week; but in the last year, she needed to water only once during the whole year. A farmer in British Columbia’s Bulkley Valley, however, reported that although there was a lot of rain last summer, he still had to irrigate the soil because the soil did not maintain its moisture level. 

Furthermore, Ducks Unlimited mentioned that, as agricultural activity migrates north with climate change, agriculture will occur in areas of higher wetland density. There are even higher densities of wetlands in the boreal forest fringe regions of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. There will be greater impacts in those areas with competing uses for those water resources. 

Many sectors of the economy depend upon forests.  Ecotourism groups, for example, are vulnerable to increased risks due to climate change. In 2000, in British Columbia alone, there were over 1,100 adventure tourism-related establishments using over 27,000 streams and lakes.  Ms. Carol Patterson, President, Kalahari Management, gave examples of increased difficulties faced by ecotourism operators. For instance, in the case of activities that are dependent on water runoff, such as whitewater kayaking and whitewater rafting, some operators are finding insufficient water to maintain their business.  For example, where they used to be able to run rivers for three months, they now may be able to run them for only one month.  

Rural communities that are dependent upon agriculture and/or forestry will face the same water stresses.  If Canada’s agriculture and forest sectors are unable to cope with changes in water resources and quality, rural communities will continue to suffer not just in terms of a diminished economic base, but also in terms of quality of life as water becomes scarcer or its quality is compromised.   

While some areas of Canada are likely to experience water shortages as the climate warms up, others may experience the reverse.  Witnesses from various parts of the country emphasized that bigger storms can be expected due to climate change, and that rainfall may come in more intense bursts; this could result in increased soil erosion, and consequently affect surface water quality and the quantity of wastewater to be treated.  In Atlantic Canada, erosion and flooding are serious concerns, as is the loss of coastal wetlands, which play a vital role in the overall energy and biodiversity requirements of ocean ecosystems. Moreover, greater instability in weather events increases the concern regarding potential saltwater intrusion into freshwater ecosystems and drinking water sources. 

If these patterns continue, multiple users will be competing for the same resource, and there is a real danger that water quality will be compromised. An adequate supply of good-quality water is essential for livestock, irrigation, human consumption, and industrial use.


C. Adaptation Strategies For Water Resources 

Several witnesses mentioned that the main effect of climate change is likely to be on Canada’s water resources, and that it could compromise Canada’s ability to meet the needs of Canadians. While few adaptation strategies were actually suggested to the Committee, the members understand that the operational principles for adaptation will be different for agriculture, forestry, and rural communities due to the diverse level of resources and needs in these sectors. There are also regional, provincial, and north‑south dissimilarities since the effects of climate change will vary across the country. 

Strategies for adapting to climate change are perhaps most developed in the agriculture industry, where farmers have learned to adapt to changes in weather for many years.  Witnesses mentioned practices that are already being used, such as conservation tillage and green cover crops to take marginal lands out of production, they could provide few examples of methods to help farmers manage this source of risk. Similarly, no concrete examples of adaptation to water stresses were provided for the forest industry, other than the mention of hybrid trees. Yet the Committee was told that these hybrids need intense management, such as heavy irrigation – which would make them of questionable value in an era of increased water conflicts. 

Several witnesses did mention that with respect to water resources, adaptation measures will probably concern mostly engineering and infrastructure, for example, the development of large-scale irrigation systems and dams.  Some witnesses cautioned, however, that any plans for new infrastructure must take long-term considerations into account.  As mentioned by Dr. Dore, a professor at Brock University, the IPCC has advocated a “no regrets policy” – a policy that will generate net social benefits whether or not there is human-induced climate change. Working on technology to improve water use efficiency may be more practical in terms of adaptation measures.   

Rural communities have limited resources to allocate to long-term planning concerning the changing weather.  Dr. Dore mentioned that increasing precipitation in Eastern Canada will mainly affect wastewater treatment.  Existing wastewater treatment capacity may not be adequate to handle high precipitation due to storm water runoff.  Furthermore, high wastewater flows during high precipitation times and spring runoff will result in the combined sewers being bypassed and untreated wastewater ending up in lakes and rivers, polluting the precious resource.  Water systems will have to be updated to ensure a safe and adequate water supply.  Therefore, certain areas will require transitional funding and adjustments to programs to ensure that their economic base and quality of life are maintained.  

Finally, witnesses suggested that to maintain health of our rivers while also accommodating human population growth and economic diversification, measures are required to encourage water conservation and allow reallocation of water to uses deemed of higher value.  In June 2002, the Alberta government authorized the use of water allocation transfers and water conservation holdbacks.  Farmers have already taken such an approach; in 2001, sugar beet growers in Alberta were allocated a specific amount of water per allotment and used it on sugar beets, because they are a high-value crop, rather than on cereals.  If water use conflicts increase in the future, decision-makers will have to determine what uses are appropriate and inappropriate, and where our water is best allocated. 



The main effect of climate change is likely to be on Canada’s water resources.  While predictions of how precipitation regimes will change are very uncertain, we can expect more variability in precipitation with years that are wetter than normal, years that will be much drier than normal and an increased frequency of storms and droughts. Adaptation measures will mainly concern engineering and infrastructure – irrigation, water treatment plants, etc. – but also technology to improve water use efficiency.  Those measures will vary locally and will depend on the users – agriculture, forestry, tourism, etc. Given the demands for water by agriculture, the forest industry, and households in rural and urban areas, the evidence indicates that water-use conflicts will increase. If water-use conflicts increase, decision-makers will have to determine what uses are appropriate and inappropriate, and where the available water is best allocated.


During the hearings, there has been much discussion on the effects of climate change on rural communities. What is a rural community, however, varies depending on how we define "rural". Thus, “rural population” remains a vague concept that represents between 22% (Statistics Canada definition)[9] and 33% of Canada’s population (definition of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD). Nevertheless, a common feature of all rural communities in Canada is their natural resource-based economies. Based on this factor alone, rural Canada is an important contributor to the country’s wealth, supplying 15% of the Gross Domestic Product and 40% of Canadian exports.

Most of the research on the effects of climate change has focused on environmental problems, such as the impacts on forest growth, crops, and water.  It should be made clear, however, that the vulnerabilities in the agri‑food and forestry sectors go beyond environmental threats.  The biophysical effects of climate change will have financial and economic repercussions.  If the financial viability of farming operations, forestry operations, sawmills and other natural resource-based industries is threatened, so is the viability of rural communities that rely on them. 

Much emphasis has been placed on the need for these communities to diversify their economies so that they are less vulnerable to the effects of climate change.  But it is important to note that tourism, hunting, fishing, winter sports, and Aboriginal culture are also affected by the changing weather patterns (Box 11).  Thus, climate change is not just an abstract environmental problem, but also an economic issue that will affect the livelihood of many Canadians.   

For example, Dr. Barry Smit mentioned that the 2001 drought was estimated by Canadian Wheat Board economists to have cost approximately $5 billion.  The 2002 drought, which affected many parts of Canada, was even more costly.  Mr. Bart Guyon, Vice-President of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, reported that the 2002 drought cost Canadian National alone more than $100 million in lost commodities.  

The impact of climate variations is even stronger when communities are unprepared. Speaking from his own experience, Mr. Guyon described how in 2002 he had to drill four water wells and two dugouts on his ranch as a result of the drought.  On a ranching operation, lack of water and pasture does not give much time to react, leading to draconian measures.  While the Committee acknowledges that we cannot say that a particular drought is caused by climate change, scientific evidence does clearly indicate that we can expect changes in the frequency of extreme weather events.  The recent droughts illustrate how serious such events could be for our unprepared communities. 

Rural municipalities in Saskatchewan derive a significant amount of tax revenue from agricultural land.  In some cases, there is no other industry and 100% of the municipal assessment consists of agricultural properties.  Therefore, anything that affects the ability of the land to produce cash crops also affects the ability of taxpayers to pay their municipal taxes.  Not only could rural municipalities lose revenue as a result of climate change, but also they could be faced with increased expenditures.  Mr. Neal Hardy, President of Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, gave as an example the increased number of forest fires as a result of the 2002 drought.  Several rural municipalities experienced significant firefighting costs: the rural municipality of Loon Lake alone spent $920,000 – twice its tax revenue.  Dr. Dore, a Professor at Brock University, also advised that municipalities have responsibilities with respect to water. With changing precipitation patterns, they will need the financial resources to upgrade their infrastructure, including water storage, wastewater processing, and sewage treatment.   

The three organizations representing rural municipalities who appeared before the Committee during its tour of Western Canada agreed that many stresses already affect the livelihoods of those who live in rural communities, including low commodity prices and the economic effects of trade conflicts such as the softwood lumber dispute.  Sometimes severe weather patterns make things even more difficult; the successive droughts in the Prairies are a perfect example.  Ms. Sue Clark, of the North Central Municipal Association, however, told the Committee that rural residents do not necessarily link these weather events to climate change.  Furthermore, small rural communities do not necessarily consider climate change as a key concern because of the multitude of other pressing issues they must face with limited resources. 

Over the past several decades, rural communities in Canada, in particular agricultural communities, have been changing dramatically in population and composition, due to migration and structural changes in agriculture.  Agriculture does not attract young people because of the risks, the capital investment, and the difficulty in making a living. In some areas, other industries, such as the oil industry in Alberta, help to offset losses in the agriculture industry.  To illustrate this evolution, Mr. Guyon mentioned that in his community in Alberta, 85 to 90% of farmers have a second job.  In 2000, for example, off-farm income represented 56% of the total farm income. This type of diversification is likely to accelerate as residents in rural areas look for ways to protect themselves from economic risks that may be aggravated by climate change.  Therefore, it is obvious that climate change will bring risks which, combined with the other stresses on the rural sector in many parts of Canada, may speed up some of the changes that are going on in rural Canada.   

In addition to the changes that have occurred in the social fabric of rural communities during the past several decades, climate change will also bring its share of social consequences.  For example, Dr. Brian Stocks, from the Canadian Forestry Service, mentioned that a forest company might decide not to operate in an area because the odds are too low of growing trees to 80 years without their being prematurely destroyed by fire, insects or some other event.  The company will then decide to log trees in another region or country; but the community that depends on this industry is not so mobile.  If the Palliser triangle becomes too dry for agriculture, what do you do with the entire grain infrastructure there?  Hypothetical situations such as these pose hard questions for rural Canada and its natural resource‑based economy.  There are no easy answers, but these communities must nonetheless begin to consider preparations in raising their awareness on the potential effects of climate change in their region, and incorporating these potential effects in their long-term planning.   

Some possible solutions for rural communities would be first to communicate to their residents that climate change is occurring and that they will need to contend with it, just as they do with other economic risks. They will need to identify their priorities based on their local biophysical conditions and industry – whether it be agriculture, forestry, or some other natural resource. Their priority may be to ensure adequate waste water treatment or collection of water; priorities will vary across the country. Rural communities will have to obtain the necessary financing for their adaptation strategies, whether it is from their tax base, regional sources, provincial, or federal governments. They will have to implement strategies that are effective for their local conditions. Lastly, they will have to develop the necessary human capacity – the skills – to undertake these actions. 

Many researchers have suggested that climate change is essentially a social phenomenon. It will create winners and losers, mostly due to the direct and indirect impacts on agriculture, forestry, and other sectors of the rural economy.  These impacts will vary across regions, time horizons, and individuals.  The advantage of planning for adaptation is that it can be implemented in an equitable and cost-effective way so to maximize the number of winners and minimize the number of those who may lose.  Researchers involved in adaptation made it clear to the Committee that rural communities also need reinforcement; Dr. Mehta told the Committee that links exist between adaptive capacity and social cohesion. For example, if water use conflicts increase, some users may be denied the opportunity to use some adaptation options such as irrigation, and social cohesion will be threatened; A strong social fabric is crucial in order to make real improvements in adaptive capacity at the individual level. 



Because rural Canada relies largely on natural resource-based industries, it will be more vulnerable to climate change. Over the past several decades, rural communities in Canada have been changing dramatically, due to migration and structural transformations in resource-based industries. The livelihoods of rural Canadians are already stressed by low commodity prices and by trade conflicts such as the softwood lumber dispute and climate change will bring additional challenges, which may aggravate the current situation. Climate change will have significant financial and economic repercussions on natural resource-based industries, and physical infrastructure will also be challenged by increased weather-related damage. In order to cope with these changes, rural communities will have to start considering climate change effects in their planning. 



This report would be incomplete without mentioning the potential effects of climate change on Aboriginal peoples in Canada.  The Committee met with elected representatives from the Metis Nation of Alberta and the Kainai Nation (also known as The Blood Tribe).  Representatives from C-CIARN North also provided insights into the situation of the Inuit.  Those three groups reported that Aboriginal people are seeing increasing evidence of climate change.  The C-CIARN North representatives recalled that experience‑based ecological knowledge is now broadly recognized as legitimate and accurate, and that it is particularly important in areas where scientific data collection is limited.  Local observations can complement scientific information, offering a more regional, holistic, and longer-term perspective on some of the changes taking place.  Dr. Rafique Islam, Sector Advisor of the Metis Nation of Alberta Association, reported that the knowledge and life experience of the Metis elders are closely correlated with recent scientific findings on the trend of climate change.  According to the elders, climate change is palpable, and the change may worsen the environmental damage to traditionally used and occupied land that has already been caused by energy, forestry, and mining exploitation.   

The IPCC has concluded that indigenous peoples of the North are more sensitive to climate change than non‑indigenous peoples, because their homelands and hunting habitats will be directly affected.  Changes in sea ice, the seasonality of snow and habitat, and diversity of fish and wildlife could threaten long‑standing traditions and ways of life. In some areas of the North, indigenous peoples are already altering their hunting patterns to accommodate changes to the ice regime and distribution of harvested species.   

Mr. Andy Blackwater, of the Kainai Nation, also said that the tribe’s elders have referred to the change in the climate, and how weather patterns are affected. Traditionally, they have different ways of predicting the weather over the next few days. In the Kainai culture, there is a month referred to as "the moon of the geese"; but now ducks and geese appear at other times of the year.  March storms also used to be very predictable, and a lot of people would prepare accordingly; but increasingly they are not coming on time. Another concern is in the area of traditional medicine: there is the risk of a real shortage in the supply of roots and other vegetation used for traditional remedies.  Aboriginal people are very conscious of, and very concerned by, changing weather patterns and other factors that affect their environment.  The issue goes right to the heart of these people because in disrupting traditional knowledge, changing weather patterns affect the cornerstone of their culture: the knowledge that has been historically looked to for directions and guidance in life. 

Although there is some (limited) potential for developing agriculture in the North under current climate change scenarios, the northern food supply will be more affected by the impacts of climate change on subsistence activities such as hunting and fishing.  In other parts of the country, however, Aboriginal peoples have developed agriculture as a way to make a living.  These peoples include Metis farmers and ranchers, and First Nations such as the Kainai Nation.  The Kainai Nation reserve has 330,586 acres of land classified for agricultural use, 21,373 of which are irrigated.  Like other farmers, they will face the effects of climate change on their farm operations, as they felt the effects of the 2001 and 2002 droughts. 

Adequate access to government programs, including farm support, training, and research programs, has been discussed and represents a major issue for Aboriginal peoples. C‑CIARN North representatives mentioned that interest in building partnerships among scientists, First Nations, and northern communities has increased in the past couple of decades.  Most of the documented local and traditional knowledge has been collected in regions where scientific research has been focused.  One further step, however, would be to improve access to programs that would help Aboriginal peoples to adapt to climate change.  As Aboriginal peoples achieve rights to the management of resources and landownership, their organizations are seeking a more meaningful role in research, outreach action, and international negotiations on the climate change issue.



Aboriginal people have been true witnesses of climate change: the knowledge and life experience of the elders have produced observations that are closely linked with recent scientific findings on the trend of climate change. For the past decade partnerships among scientists, and aboriginal people have increased, notably in regions where scientific research has been focused, but access to programs that would help them adapt to climate change is still very limited. As Aboriginal people achieve rights to the management of resources and land ownership, their organizations are seeking a more meaningful role in the actions to tackle climate change.



Researchers who appeared before the Committee presented much valuable information about the potential effects of climate change on Canadian agriculture, forests, and rural communities.  They also told the Committee that those effects would start to become clearly evident some time in the 2030‑2060 period.  Circumpolar countries, including Canada, and the tropics are the two regions that will be affected first and most dramatically. 

As mentioned by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), however, our understanding of the implications remains at a broad level.  We do not yet have a clear vision of what specific areas of our agriculture, forests, and rural communities will look like as a result of climate change.  We are a long way, for example, from being able to advise farmers or forestry companies on suitable crops or trees for future climatic conditions.  Given this situation, a key question for public policy makers is: at what point should public funds and other resources be allocated to assist communities and to implement adaptation strategies for our agriculture and forestry sectors?

The Committee endorses the idea that planned adaptation is preferable to simply allowing communities to find their own ways of getting by.  A recommended approach would be to enhance research on the impacts of climate change, explore practical options for adaptation, and implement a number of “no regret” policies and measures – i.e., policies and measures that would improve our resilience to climate change, but that would also generate net social benefits regardless of whether climate change occurs.  Examples include better risk management tools in agriculture, conservation of protected areas (north-south corridors), and enhanced wastewater treatment capacity. 

Efforts to develop adaptation strategies require collaboration among all stakeholders, different levels of government, industries, and researchers.  The national adaptation framework that resulted from the federal and provincial ministers of Environment and Energy meeting in May 2002 is a good starting point for collaborative initiatives.  This chapter presents and discusses three areas for proactive action on climate change: research, communication, and government programs.


A. Research 

“We have some of the best climate researchers in the world in Canada[…] there is no question that we have the leading scientists in the world here in Canada.”

Dr. Steve Lonergan, University of Victoria[10]

“Given our incredible uncertainties, we have a huge need for incisive knowledge, and I would suggest that the way we get it is through research capacity building.  We have a desperate need for that new knowledge.  It needs to be future oriented.” 

Dr. Peter N. Duinker, Manager, Atlantic Region,[11]

Canadian Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Research Network

From the beginning of this study, it became clear that research on impacts and adaptation in relation to climate change is still in its infancy.  The Committee was impressed, however, by the quality of the research undertaken in our country.  Internationally, Canada is recognized as a leader in climate change adaptation, and Canadian researchers have contributed significantly to international initiatives on this topic.  Dr. Barry Smit, for example, was the senior author of the Adaptation section of the IPCC Third Assessment Report.  Canada is at the cutting edge of this issue, and it should stay that way since our country, which already feels some effects, will be one of the countries that is most affected by climate change. 

Climate change has the potential to exert enormous influence – positively or negatively – on the future of our rural communities and on important sectors of Canada’s economy. Improving our understanding of it is essential to our ability to prepare and adapt.  Climate change research had, and still has, its share of funding, through the Climate Change Action Fund and other funding agencies; but most of these funds address the mitigation aspect of climate change.  NRCan is devoting approximately $48 million to its climate change impacts and adaptation program for the period 1998-2006.  Of that amount, about $8 million has been spent on research to date.  Nevertheless, long before the negotiation and adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, NRCan’s Canadian Forest Service was already undertaking research on the potential impact of climate change on Canada’s forests and on adaptation to changes that had been observed by the late 1980s.  The department now estimates that core funding for research has more than doubled over the last five years, notably through the Climate Change Action Fund and the C-CIARN program. 

Nonetheless, many witnesses advocated giving more attention to impact and adaptation issues.  There were also calls for a better balance between funding for mitigation and funding for adaptation, although no one suggested that a specific share of climate change funds be targeted to adaptation.  Moreover, there are other constraints. For example, deans of forestry faculties across the country are reporting that, even more than a lack of research funding, a lack of facilities and, in particular, of well-qualified graduate students to do the research has become a limiting factor.

Witnesses suggested that if we want Canadian agriculture and forestry industries, and rural communities to adapt to climate change and undertake research that explores adaptation strategies, we must target our funding dollars to that specific area.  As Dr. Brklacich put it, in the area of climate change, adaptation would otherwise “continue to languish as the very weak third partner.”  It seemed obvious to many that without targeted funding, researchers will continue to do research on topics for which there is already an institutional capacity.  If the objective is to have a better understanding of adaptation, we must provide an incentive to researchers to focus on this issue. 


1. The Need for Integrated Research

Climate change needs to be addressed in an integrated way to understand the social and economic effects on communities and to identify effective adaptation measures.  As mentioned previously, although climate change will affect natural ecosystems, adaptation is a social process.  When climate change affects a locality, it will not make the distinction between individual elements such as agriculture, water, infrastructures, etc.  It will affect the resources that define the place, the interactions between these resources, and the actions of the human population.  Impacts cannot be looked at in isolation; linkages between issues and among the stakeholders also need to be studied (Box 12).  The interactions between these three pillars – social, economic, and environmental – are not well understood nor studied for Canada. 

Witnesses agreed that it is extremely difficult to obtain funding for integrated approaches. Dr. Steve Lonergan, from the University of Victoria, suggested that while Canada has some of the best climate researchers in the world, their impact is being diffused because not enough concerted effort has been made to get them together through funded partnerships in integrated research.

2. Areas of Research 

During their discussions with the Committee, researchers and industry groups proposed a number of areas where additional knowledge is essential.  This section briefly presents the four topics that received the most attention from the witnesses: refinement of national and regional models, examination of water resources, more detailed studies of the effects of climate change on agriculture and forestry, and developing better understanding of what farmers and forest managers think about climate change. 

The first area concerns the development of models.  Witnesses stated that current models have a broad resolution.  This is because thus far only global models have been developed – and these global models are being used to study local effects.  For example, they do not take features such as the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains into account.  Trying to downscale the output to look at the effects of climate change in a small area, however, increases the level of uncertainty.  But with a North American model, for instance, there will have greater accuracy about what we can expect for Saskatchewan. Therefore, there is a clear need for climate data sets at a spatial scale that is useful for agriculture and forestry.  Dr. Nigel Roulet, from McGill University, also pointed out the need to reduce the uncertainties that are embedded in the models.  He suggested that social scientists work with climate modelling and carbon modelling researchers to try to assess socio-economic impacts, and to include adaptation options in the models. 

Water is the second topic of interest for research.  Changes in precipitation patterns will modify the water supply; changes in land-use, and longer growing seasons, will affect water demand.  The combination of these factors will increase water management difficulties, a prospect that highlights the need for more integrated research on water availability and management.  Furthermore, as conflicts over water use are likely to become more common, Dr. Byrne (who is involved in the Water Institute for Semi-Arid Ecosystems) suggested that integrated research on water should be funded independently to allow researchers to focus on the subject without concern about offending interest groups.   

The CFA and other witnesses recommended that AAFC undertake a comprehensive study of the effects of climate change on Canadian agriculture.  This research will give farmers a better understanding of what to grow, what practices will be suitable, and what insects, pests or weeds are more likely to affect their crops.  To date such studies have been done piecemeal, covering only a few regions and a few crops.  A systematic assessment would create a better understanding of the effects and adaptation options available to Canadians.   

A similar study on forests should also be undertaken.  The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) pointed out that the industry cannot do much without a more detailed understanding of the likely impact on forests.  The FPAC suggested developing a good monitoring system to track what is happening in our forest systems.  Studies would focus on the technical aspects of adaptation, and it is mostly the responsibility of governments and research organizations such as universities to provide that information. 

According to Dr. Christopher Bryant, of the Université de Montréal, it is impossible to understand adaptation fully if we study only the biophysical impacts of climate change and the technical aspects of adaptation; these, however, are the areas where Canada invests the most research funds.  While our current research capacity is oriented towards assessing how crops are sensitive to different climatic changes, this is only a small part of understanding how producers can deal with climate risks.  Currently, the knowledge base on adaptation is lacking simply because there has been little effort to understand what individual farmers and rural communities know, and what adaptation options are available to them.  Dr. Smit listed a number of topics that need to be examined, such as the current vulnerabilities in the agri‑food sector, the effectiveness of existing risk management strategies, and the incorporation of climate-related risks in management practices.  Studying such topics would require a different research approach:  researchers would have to learn from the experience of producers – including woodlot owners – rather than only modelling adaptation options in the research labs. 

In addition to highlighting the four areas indicated above, the Committee wishes to stress that research on climate change should not be emphasized over research addressing other aspects of agriculture and forestry.  In fact, much of the latter research – such as development of crop and tree varieties, soil and water conservation practices including micro-irrigation and fertility research, and intensive forest management practices – produces information that is applicable to adapting to climate change, even though it is not specifically being done for that purpose.


3. Fostering Research 

While a consensus exists for more targeted funding for integrated research, witnesses proposed many different ways of reaching that end.  The following paragraphs present the four options that witnesses suggested for fostering Canadian research on impacts and adaptation: enhancing government research capacity, facilitating partnerships, targeting research at universities, and creating a national climate change research centre. 

The federal government must show leadership in fostering research. Canada can count on a wide variety of scientific, technical and policy expertise, both in governments and universities, in engaging what are probably the most challenging environmental, social and economic problems that it has ever faced – those arising from climate change and accelerated global warming.  In that context, NRCan plays a decisive role in assuming the lead domestically on climate change and adaptation.  NRCan can count on many world-class scientists for providing relevant information and knowledge on the multiple facets of the issue.  Its expertise covers earth sciences, energy, forests, minerals and metals.  As key participants in climate change research, the Canadian Forest Service and other sectors of NRCan, along with all members of the Canadian forest community, provide tools that will help to find ways to take advantage of climate change, when possible, and to reduce its effects, when necessary. 

The forestry industry strongly believes that undertaking basic science on the impact of climate change on Canadian forests is the responsibility of government, while applying that science and exploring how forestry techniques should change is more the responsibility of industry.  Although the Committee agrees to some extent with this statement, it believes nevertheless that both the forest industry, and the government, must be active partners in research on ecosystem changes, considering their involvement into the long-term planning of forestry operations. 

Certainly, some fundamental research remains to be done on the issue of climate change; and since long-term research requires long-term commitment, some witnesses recommended that the scientific capacity of our governments be enhanced.  Federal and provincial government research capacity could be improved through an increase in human resources and funding for ongoing activities (A-base funding) dedicated to climate change impacts and adaptation in agriculture and forestry. 

Another strategy would be to facilitate partnerships between research organizations, and to strengthen the capacity of universities to assist industries and rural communities through research into adaptation.  National granting councils and special government funds such as the Climate Change Action Fund should be encouraged to increase their funding for integrated research on vulnerabilities and climate adaptation in the agriculture and forest sectors.   

The Water Institute for Semi-arid Ecosystems (WISE) in Lethbridge is an example of partnership between federal, provincial, academic, and private sector organizations, including the University of Lethbridge, AAFC, Alberta Environment, and the Alberta Irrigation Projects Association.  WISE brings researchers together on strategic and interdisciplinary research.  The Semi-arid Systems Research Collaborative is a research network comprising researchers from various disciplines located in seven universities and the major provincial and federal government research centres in the four western provinces.  It creates a virtual centre that links expertise from various research bodies.  Strategic investment in such partnerships was also suggested for climate change; a Network of Centres of Excellence on climate change, for example, would foster partnership and integrated research. 

Dr. Peter Duinker, a professor at Dalhousie University and manager of C-CIARN Atlantic, suggested the creation of funded chairs, a special position that would carry a low teaching load and a high research obligation, to entice our best researchers into the field of climate adaptation.  Furthermore, he suggested the establishment of graduate student research awards to increase the existing capacity among professors across Canada to engage in impacts and adaptation research.  According to Dr. Duinker, establishing a funded research chair and four or five student research awards in each of the six C‑CIARN regions would cost only $1.8 million per year – a minimum of $200,000 for each funded chair and $20,000 to $25,000 for each student award.  This initiative would create an important network and foster much-needed research activity on impacts and adaptation.   

Other witnesses suggested that the synergies of having significant numbers of people in one locale are also very positive.  Speaking from his own experience, Dr. James Byrne, from the University of Lethbridge, mentioned that despite having colleagues in the same city for several years who have much in common on climate change, they do not get a chance ever to work together because they are too busy with other responsibilities.  Dr. Ned Djilali agreed that current funding does not address the key notion of critical mass, and that dispersion of resources is less effective since it entails much higher expenses.  Dr. Weaver also stated that many scientific advances happen because connections are made spontaneously when researchers have the opportunity to be in the same place at the same time.  He suggested the creation of a central facility, a national institute with researchers from various disciplines working on climate change in an integrated manner.  The Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, the main U.K. research centre on climate change, was praised many times for the quality of its research.  When asked about the reasons for this success, officials from the Centre suggested two factors:  the centralization of numerous specialists in different fields in the same location, and stable funding from the government.  They compared their situation to that of other countries, where there is often more than one centre and where the expertise is often external to the centre and has to be brought in from other institutions. 

While there are different approaches, the Committee thinks they can and do complement each other.  A centralized agency could conduct research on models and the biophysical effects in collaboration with AAFC and the Canadian Forest Service, or research institutions such as WISE.  This approach could bring a national focus to climate change and generate knowledge from country-wide studies on agriculture, forests and water resources.  On the other hand, adaptation strategies are specific to locations and to settings.  Therefore, research on adaptation could be conducted primarily by regional research networks or research chairs, etc.  The Committee wishes also to emphasize that sustained funding is imperative to generate effective and relevant long-term knowledge. 



Increasing research efforts in impacts and adaptation will improve our understanding of the biophysical and economic effects, the vulnerabilities of agriculture, forestry and rural communities, and successful adaptation options and strategies, particularly at the local level. Although increasing the funding for research is part of the solution, it will not be enough; solutions to foster research could rather focus on building the research capacity.

B. Communication 

“I want to emphasize […] that adaptation is not just a question of getting the science right; it is also a question of engaging the stakeholders.  It is a question of awareness and understanding.  It is a question of political will, and I do not mean just at the federal and provincial level, but also at the municipal level.”

Dr. David Pearson, Chair, Canadian Climate Change Impact and

Adapt Research Network Ontario[12]

According to a study published by AAFC in March 2003, one-third of agricultural producers believe that climate change is nothing to be concerned about.  A slightly smaller proportion (30%) believes climate change will have a positive effect, while 26% believe the overall impact will be negative.  Mr. Jean-Louis Daigle, of the Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Centre, noted that the situation has evolved over recent years and that more farmers than previously are now ready to hear about adaptation.  Given the importance of other immediate issues such as commodity prices, contracts, and safety net programs, it is understandable that the long-term effects of climate change are not currently a priority for farmers.  Many of them, however, are already integrating different strategies into their farm practices, often due to the last two or three years of devastating droughts or rains.    

The forest industry acted on climate change very early on.  The industry’s current GHG emissions are 26% below the 1990 level, while production has increased by 20%.  On the other hand, although it recognizes the importance of the potential impact of climate change on the industry and forest-based communities, the industry has taken a “wait and see” approach, arguing that no-one knows exactly what will happen.  Dr. Dan Smith, a professor at the University of Victoria’s Tree-Ring Laboratory, mentioned that on northern Vancouver Island the forest industry is planning for crop rotation cycles of 500 years; however, it is not taking into account the climate changes that are likely to occur, and is assuming that the same conditions will apply. 

Because scientific information is complex by nature, communicating it has been a common concern at all the public hearings.  How do we pass the information on to farmers, the forest industry, and rural communities to enable them to take appropriate adaptation measures?  Since the long-term effects of climate change are not currently a priority, the question of timing, and the type of message to deliver at a specific time, will be important in any communication strategy.


1. A Clear Message at the Right Time 

Since there are still uncertainties regarding the precise effects of climate change on a scale that is relevant for farmers and forest operators, the key message is that climate change is real and impacts are likely to happen.  It is very confusing, if you are not a climatologist, to hear one day that climate change is a real thing, and to be told differently another day.  The first step should be to convey a consistent message balancing the benefits and risks that are likely to result from climate change.  For example, the objective of this Committee study is to raise awareness that climate change has the potential to affect rural Canada significantly.  The Committee does not want to sensationalize the issue and needlessly scare the public; nevertheless, we would be remiss if we were to ignore the clear message from witnesses that Canada is soon likely to face much greater changes than it has experienced in the last hundred years.  It is valid to be concerned about the future. 

As the research community refines our understanding, the message will evolve to provide more meaningful information for business decisions in rural Canada.  Taking the agricultural sector as an example, Dr. Mendelsohn from Yale University suggested that revised long-term climate forecasts be issued on a decadal basis.  That is, every decade researchers would try to provide a clearer picture of what Canada’s climate will look like over a given period, and relate this knowledge to farming opportunities and risks.  This could be done by continually updating both our knowledge and the information that is communicated.  For instance, since it is difficult today to adequately predict what the agricultural sector should do in 2050, it might be more relevant to make such predictions in 2030 or 2040.  Furthermore, farmers are already used to dealing with uncertainty.  They cannot be sure of conditions in next year’s growing season, let alone in several decades; nor can they confidently predict prices, trading policies or demand.  Nonetheless, they have to make their decisions and investments in light of those unknown variables.  Climate uncertainty is part of the other risks that they must manage.


2. A National Communication Strategy 

Although it was mentioned that scientists from the University of Guelph and the University of Saskatchewan have been effective in sharing their results with the agriculture industry, researchers recognized that the public communication phase generally comes last after research and teaching.  In contrast to land grant universities in the United States, universities in Canada do not have extension faculty members. 

Dr. Burton linked the farming community’s lack of awareness of the effects of climate change to the limited extension capacity within the provinces.  The capacity for extension services to deliver information to farms and producers has been severely curtailed over the last 20 to 30 years.  The Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Centre, for example, has only four people attempting to cover Eastern Canada in terms of communicating with producer organizations.  In the forest industry, the Canadian Association of Woodlot Owners noted that with the elimination of the federal-provincial forestry agreements in the mid-1990s, most provinces cut back or cancelled their forest extension staff.  While some have restored the programs, others did so only partially while still others did not at all.   

Some witnesses suggested the following strategies to ensure effective communication between the research community and stakeholders:

·        the establishment of specific extension groups that will help keep the researchers involved;

·        more discussion forums for producers and forest operators about climate change challenges; and

·        additional resources for education and awareness programs. 

While extension services address industry needs, reaching out to rural communities is another aspect that must be examined.  Like many witnesses, the Committee thinks that with climate change, “the buck stops in communities.”  Those who will live with the effects of climate change and must deal with it, such as municipal councillors, the farming community, and the forest industry, are often not engaged in discussions with researchers.  Furthermore, many of the research projects that are undertaken do not have an immediate relevance for the stakeholders.   

In addition to the conventional view that the information must flow from researchers to the industries and communities, the Committee recognizes that it is equally important that the research community learn from producers, the rural population, and aboriginal people. The research community will thus be able to incorporate better knowledge on matters such as how farmers currently deal with risks, and how local communities make water management decisions. This two-way flow of information and knowledge will ensure that research into adaptation is better rooted in local contexts. 

The Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Network has, as one of its goals, the objective of bringing researchers together with decision-makers from industry, communities, and non-government organizations. In November 2002, C-CIARN Ontario held a large workshop that focussed on communities.  The workshop dealt with impacts and adaptation potential for four areas: ecosystem health, human health, water resources, and infrastructure.  One hundred people attended; about one-quarter of those were municipal employees, while others were representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and researchers from universities and government.  C-CIARN Forest held a workshop in Prince George, B.C., in March 2003, at which small communities were represented along with environmental groups, the forest industry, First Nations, consultants, provincial and territorial governments, research organizations, and the Canadian Forest Service.   

As C-CIARN is a relatively new entity, these examples are just a beginning; but they are the kind of discussions that need to be encouraged between researchers and stakeholders. Mr. Peter Johnson, of C-CIARN North, also suggested that we need to find different and more effective ways of developing our relationships and talking with rural communities, particularly in the North, where one must be a part of the community for some time in order to understand it.   

The decline in extension services, and the challenge of going into rural communities strongly suggest the need for a national communication and public outreach strategy that will focus on rural communities and their economy, including agriculture and forestry. This strategy will be a key step in assisting rural communities, farmers, and forest operators to plan for adaptation to climate change.  

The Committee thinks that a single, monolithic communication plan may not be adequate to reach rural communities.  Rather, Dr. Bryant recommended a process by which people work in communities, interact with farmers, woodlot owners and municipal employees, and bring them together in small groups.  This could be done by revitalizing extension services, and using the various networks within the farming community at the provincial and local levels.

Regionally based groups, including producer organizations, the “clubs agro-environnementaux” in Quebec, soil conservation groups (such as the Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Centre), the PFRA, and others, all have networks.  If the key people in these networks believe in the importance and relevance of certain ideas or information, it is then relatively easy for them to communicate with a large and broad-based proportion of the rural population.  It is also important to have more than one point of entry into a given region, because some organizations may focus more on some sectors than others at certain times, or farmers may be members of organizations that do not always share their concerns.  As Dr. Bryant put it, there is an enormous wealth of resources on the ground that we could use to communicate more effectively with the farming community.  A good understanding and use of the various networks within a given region will enable a fairly rapid diffusion of information within the agricultural community.  

As for the message, it will be important to provide some guidance to the various organizations.  This may mean emphasizing not only the importance of climatic change, but also the importance of getting farmers and other decision makers to undertake strategic planning processes that build on dealing with uncertainty and change. 

In addition to the mechanisms to reach out rural communities, rural Canadians must also be able to find their information themselves.  The use of the Internet in rural communities is more and more popular but telecommunications infrastructures are not always adequate (party lines, access to Internet by phone line only, etc.).  The access to broadband technology is therefore essential to each community. The Committee wishes to reiterate the following recommendation it made to the Government of Canada in 2002:

The government partners with private companies to ensure that 100 per cent of Canadians have access to high-speed Internet services by following a plan like Supernet in Alberta and connecting all public institutions. [13]


Furthermore, the Committee wishes to reiterate the importance of heightening the urban public’s awareness of the positive economic and social contributions that rural Canada makes beyond food and timber production.  A component of this national strategy should, therefore, target urban Canada. Implications for the farm community and rural Canada in general will affect everyone in the country.  For instance, there will be more demands on water resources; and the Committee does not want rural Canada be left behind when centrally based policy makers decide who has legitimate demands on our water.  It is crucial that the rest of the country recognize the importance of adaptation in rural Canada.



Because of the complexity of this issue, communication will be the key to enable rural Canada to adapt to climate change. Planning for adaptation is preferable to only reacting to the effects, therefore a communication strategy will bring the message to rural Canada that climate change is real, and that it is time to start thinking about our vulnerabilities and ways to increase our resilience.  The communication strategy should include the revitalization of extension services and use existing networks within rural communities to ensure that current information is effectively distributed.  The access to broadband technology is also essential to rural communities to enable rural Canadians to actively search the information by themselves.


C. Government Policies and Programs 

“One of the problems about adapting is that we realize that there may be nothing we can do about adapting right now, other than just being aware of the likelihood of this happening.”

Mr. Brian Stocks, Senior Research Scientist,

Forest Fire and Global Change, Natural Resources Canada[14]


Government programs and policies such as farm income programs, tax credits, and insurance regulations significantly influence agricultural and forestry practices, and how these sectors react to specific stresses or situations.  It is, therefore, an area that needs to be examined closely.  A general goal of government policies should be to encourage the adoption of opportunities to adapt to climate change, or at the very least to avoid preventing the adoption of such opportunities.  


1. Specific Programs to Encourage Adaptation


Economists who appeared before by the Committee recommended that the government create a framework to allow farmers and forest operators to respond to signals.  In the agriculture industry, this would entail allowing farmers to make adjustments as they see fit and, as they see the climate changing, allowing them to make the necessary changes in their operations.  In the forest industry, it would mean ensuring that concession agreements are not written so rigidly that, if conditions change in the future, the licensees could not operate differently from their present practices.  Other witnesses suggested that in order to adapt proactively to climate change, the agriculture and forest industry require longer-term incentives that would counter the short-term ones provided by competitive markets.  This would also help to make those industries more aware of the benefits of planned adaptation. 

The Committee was told that NRCan and Environment Canada are primarily responsible for identifying measures and programs in support of the goals and objectives of climate change management.  Currently, however, NRCan believes that implementing incentives or regulations based on our present level of understanding would be premature.  According to the department, NRCan has not yet completed the research necessary to enable it to make specific policies to assist the natural resource-based sector in adapting to climate change, such as incentives, long-term tax measures, or promotion of investment in adaptation-related innovation.  As research results begin to indicate where adaptive actions can make a difference, the government will look at actions that may be needed, such as incentive-based regulations to help the forest and agriculture sectors adapt.  For these two sectors, the federal government will need to work closely with provincial governments in developing any such actions. 


2. Incorporating Climate Change into Existing Programs and Policies 

Government programs such as crop insurance already influence adaptation undertaken by producers.  Current policies may, in fact, either hinder or encourage adaptation efforts.  For example, insurance promotes certain behaviours.  During the Committee’s last trip to Western Canada, members were told that farmers in some areas base their cropping decision on the return they can expect from crop insurance.  On the other hand, crop insurance has been a popular option to mitigate some problems associated with climate variability.  Dr. Barry Smit suggested that a high priority be given to considering climate change risks in existing programs.  Such actions would fall under the category of “no regret” policies, i.e., measures that provide benefits regardless of whether climate change occurs.   

With respect to farm safety net programs, Dr. Cecil Nagy, from the University of Saskatchewan, said it is currently difficult to say whether these programs will be able to respond to climate change problems over the long term. A number of questions need to be answered, including:

·      Will safety net programs encourage farmers to take advantage of the adaptation options that are available?

·      Will safety net programs limit or support farmers in using available adaptation options?

·      In terms of funding over the long term, are the current programs designed to meet the challenge that climate change will present?

·      Can these programs be adapted as necessary to new conditions?


To illustrate this point, Dr. Nagy used the example of new crops.  If a crop is no longer viable for a given region, it is important to determine whether farmers will be allowed to switch crops without losing the benefits of their current farming programs.  In designing crop insurance, one should then consider a mechanism to identify new crops as being suitable for a region and to add them into the crop insurance coverage.   

AAFC’s current development of the Agriculture Policy Framework (APF) provides an excellent opportunity to incorporate climate change adaptation into Canadian agricultural policy.  Through production insurance, the new Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA) programs, and tax deferral designations,[15] the APF provides business risk management options.  The renewal portion of the APF will address the issue of training, and assistance in dealing with changes.  As details of the APF at the time of this study are still unknown, witnesses could not tell the Committee the degree to which the Framework provides for climate change adaptation. 

With respect to the forest sector, Dr. John Innes, from the University of British Columbia, mentioned that provincial regulations currently hinder some adaptation responses to climate change.  Regulations on seed transfer in British Columbia, for example, require that seed from within a certain area be planted at a particular point.  If seed is planted near Prince George, it must originate from near Prince George and not from much further south.  Dr. Innes mentioned that the regulations have been relaxed a little in recognition of the climate change issue, but they need to be relaxed further. 


British Columbia is currently in the process of reviewing and introducing new forest legislation.  Some witnesses questioned the provinces’ ability to introduce changes enabling adaptation to future climate conditions, simply because the people who are designing these policies may not be aware of many of the climate change issues.  C‑CIARN Forest suggested that Canada’s provinces and territories be encouraged to develop forest management legislation and policies that are consistent with the reality of climate change, and to create a framework and culture through which climate change adaptation is possible and encouraged.


In addition to the legal framework that underlies sustainable forest management practices, markets are having a growing effect on forest practices through demands for forest certification.  C-CIARN Forest suggested that certification standards for environmentally friendly products from forests be required to incorporate adaptation to climate change in order to remain relevant, and be flexible enough to accommodate adaptive strategies proposed to deal with the reality of climate change.  Therefore, national forest certification bodies should be encouraged to include climate change adaptation as one of the objectives around which standards are developed. 

There are many other areas for “no regret” policies that the Committee wishes to underline:

·      While the Meteorological Service of Canada is currently undertaking a reorganization of its activities, it should consider adequate coverage of the Canadian landmass with climate and weather stations.  Monitoring climate and ensuring adequate weather forecasting systems will be our first line of defence to mitigate the possible effects of climate change. 

·      Municipalities will have to bear a lot of the adaptation efforts, yet they may not have the capacity to do it.  It will be important to ensure that municipalities do have the capacity to increase the resilience of their infrastructures in areas likely to be affected by climate change, such as wastewater treatment. 

·      Climate change could also be taken into consideration in the creation and management of protected areas. The Sierra Club of Canada suggested the creation of north/south corridors along which species can migrate to new habitat. 


While addressing climate change, these measures would also serve other purposes.  Creating a mechanism to permit the rapid inclusion of new crops in crop insurance programs would not only address the effect of climate change, but would also accommodate the case of a new crop being developed through research – independent of new climatic conditions.  The creation of protected north/south corridors would also allow Canada to meet its objective of completing a representative network of protected areas.  A systematic look at policies through a climate change “lens” will make our industries, ecosystems, and communities less vulnerable to climatic changes, while also helping them to adapt to other stresses.



Public policies and programs must not prevent industries and communities from pursuing available adaptation options.  Climate change considerations must be incorporated into government policies and programs where appropriate.  Public policies such as farm income safety nets, tree plantation programs, and policies concerning water and protected areas, to name just a few, will have to be designed to cope with climate change risks.  A systematic review of existing and new programs could be implemented to assess whether climate change risks are being considered.



“Climate change is ultimately a social issue, not a scientific one, and it is a major public policy issue. We have created the problem, or at least we have increased the rate of climate change, and we must deal with the impacts.”

Dr. Dave Sauchyn, Coordinator, C-CIARN Prairies.[16]


Climate change will affect all Canadians to some extent, and it will significantly affect rural Canada, both positively and negatively.  There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the global warming trend observed in the last century is caused primarily by human industrial activity, namely, the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2.  This warming trend is likely to continue at a rate unprecedented in human history; it will have consequences at a regional level on temperature, precipitation patterns, winds, and the frequency of extreme weather events.   

The Kyoto Protocol is currently the only public policy tool available at the international level to help deal with climate change.  As climate change is a global problem, there is a need for international coordination; but by itself the Kyoto Protocol will not curb, let alone reverse, the warming trend.  Stabilizing the concentrations of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere at a level that will avoid dangerous consequences for humanity entails measures far beyond those called for under the Protocol.  Significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would require our energy systems to shift from fossil fuel to low-carbon-content fuel such as hydrogen – the decarbonization of the energy system.  At the same time, the mitigation of this warming trend must go hand in hand with adaptation to the effects of climate change.  While the energy system goes through the decarbonization process, and our climate responds to decreasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we will have to adapt to new climatic conditions.   

Because the warming effect will be amplified at high latitudes, circumpolar countries such as Canada will be particularly vulnerable.  In fact, some effects are already being felt in the northern part of the country.  It is therefore important that Canada develop its own expertise, as it will not be able to take advantage of the experiences of other non-circumpolar countries such as the continental United States.  Those countries, rather, may look to Canada for guidance in adapting, as they will likely feel the effects later. 

Although longer growing seasons and warmer temperatures have the potential to increase the productivity of Canadian agriculture and forestry, those benefits could be offset or exceeded by effects such as reduced availability of water, new pests, and increased weather variability.  Regions will feel a variety of effects; some areas will see net gains, others will lose.  Moreover, the impact of climate change on the rest of the world will also have implications for Canada’s agriculture and forest sectors.  Many prices are determined by world markets, meaning that the economic effect on these two sectors in Canada will depend also on how Canadian productivity may change relative to the rest of the world.  In the end, it is how Canadian farmers, forest operators, rural communities and Canadians living in urban areas adapt and react that will determine the real impact of climate change.   

Farmers are already innovative and adapt to various stresses such as variations in weather, trade policies, and commodity prices.  Farmers in Western Canada are adopting or expanding certain practices, such as not tilling their soil, in order to protect their topsoil during droughts, keep moisture in the soil, and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.  The expected increase in weather variability, however, may be of even greater concern for farmers than changes in average conditions, because it is more difficult to adapt to changes in variability.  Events such as the drought in 2001, which affected all provinces, have made farmers, the forest industry, and rural communities realize that they are vulnerable, and that they must begin to adapt to new climate scenarios. 

An important area of vulnerability will be our water resource.  Changing climatic conditions will affect the water supply through different precipitation regimes.  While some adaptation options might alleviate potential shortages, other options, such as irrigation, will directly affect the demand.  Water affects all industries in rural Canada – agriculture, forestry, fisheries, tourism – and these industries will have to compete for the resource with urban areas.  More than any other aspect of the issue, finding solutions to potential water-related conflicts arising from climate change will have to involve all levels and sectors of society.

It is still too early to clearly identify effective adaptation measures that should be taken.  Those measures will have to fit local conditions, but our knowledge of climate change is not yet refined enough to predict its local effects.  Nevertheless, there is room for government action in the following areas:

·      Research: Increasing research efforts in impacts and adaptation will improve our understanding of the biophysical and economic effects, the vulnerabilities of agriculture, forestry and rural communities, and successful adaptation options and strategies.

·      Communication: A national communication strategy will bring the message to rural Canada that climate change is real, and that it is time to start thinking about our vulnerabilities and ways to increase our resilience.  The communication strategy should include the revitalization of extension services and use existing networks within rural communities to ensure that current information is effectively distributed.

·      Government Policies: It is important that public policies and programs do not prevent industries and communities from pursuing available adaptation options.  Climate change considerations must be incorporated into government policies and programs where appropriate.  Public policies such as farm income safety nets, tree plantation programs, and policies concerning water and protected areas, to name just a few, will have to be designed to cope with climate change risks.  A systematic review of existing and new programs could be implemented to assess whether climate change risks are being considered.

“No regret” public policies in these areas can provide net benefits regardless of climate change, because they would address vulnerabilities associated not only with climate change but also with many other stressors that our industries and communities already face.  More focussed research, communication and far-sighted government policies can together create a framework that will enable farmers, forest operators and rural communities to mitigate the risks and realize the opportunities associated with climate change.




November 21, 2002


From Environment Canada:
-       Henry Hengeveld, Chief Science Advisor, Climate Change


November 26, 2002

From Environment Canada:

- Norine Smith, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Communications


From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

-   Alrick Huebener, Manager, Policy Development, Environment Bureau


From Transport Canada:

-  Robert Lyman, Director General, Environmental Affairs


From Industry Canada:

-  John Jaworski, Senior Industry Development Officer, Life Sciences Branch


From Natural Resources Canada:

-  Neil MacLeod, Director General, Energy Efficiency

-  Paul Egginton, Executive Director, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Directorate


November 28, 2002

From Natural Resources Canada:

-       Gordon E. Miller, Director General, Science Branch, Canadian Forest Service

-       Paul Egginton, Executive Director, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Directorate

-       Donald S. Lemmen, Research Manager, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Directorate, Earth Sciences Sector

-       Darcie Booth, Director, Canadian Forest Service, Economics and Statistical Services


December 3, 2002

From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

-       Gordon Dorrell, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, Research Branch

-       Wayne Lindwall, National Program Leader for Environment

-       Michele Brenning, Director, Environment Bureau


-       Phil Adkins, Acting Manager, Prairie Agroclimate Unit, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration


December 5, 2002

From the Canadian Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Research Network:

-       Aynslie Ogden, Manager, Northern Region

-       Peter Johnson, Science Advisor, Northern Region

-       David Pearson, Chair, Ontario Region

-       Gérard Courtin, Professor Emeritus, Laurentian University


December 12, 2002

From the Canadian Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Research Network:

-       Alain Bourque, Coordinator, Quebec Region

-       Peter N. Duinker, Manager, Atlantic Region


February 4, 2003

From the Canadian Climate Impact and Adaptation Research Network:

-       Dave Sauchyn, Coordinator, Prairies Region

-       Stewart Cohen, Scientific Advisor, British Columbia Region


February 6, 2003

From the Sierra Club of Canada:

-       Elizabeth May, Executive Director

-       Martin von Mirbach, Director, Forests and Biodiversity


February 11, 2003

From the Forest Products Association of Canada:

-       Avrim Lazar, President

-       Jean Pierre Martel, Vice President, Sustainability


From the Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners:

-       Peter deMarsh, President


February 13, 2003

From the National Farmers Union:

-       Cory Ollikka, Past President

-       Janet Duncan


From the Canadian Federation of Agriculture:

-       Geri Kamenz, Chair, Environment and Science Committee and Vice-President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture

-       Nicole Howe, Policy Analyst


February 18, 2003

From the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences:

-       Gordon McBean, Chair

-       Dawn Conway, Executive Director


From McGill University:

-       Nigel Roulet, Professor, Department of Geography


February 20, 2003

From the Agricultural Institute of Canada:

-       Ed Tyrchniewicz, President

-       Tom Beach, Acting Executive Director


From Ducks Unlimited Canada:

-       Rhonda McDougal, Associate Scientist, Carbon Research

-       J. Barry Turner, Director of Government Relations


February 24, 2003

From the Ecotourism Society of Saskatchewan:

-       Joe Hnatiuk, President


From the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities:

-       Neal Hardy, President

-       Arita McPherson, Director of Agriculture Policy


From the University of Saskatchewan:

-       Michael Mehta, Professor


From the Saskatchewan Research Council and Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative:

-       Mark Johnston, Senior Research Scientist


From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

-       Phil Adkins, Acting Manager, Prairie Agroclimate Unit, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration

-       Bill Harron, Project Leader, National Land and Water Information Service

-       Gerry Steraniko, Manager, Operational Planning Division


From the Saskatchewan Environment Society:

-       Ann Coxworth, Volunteer Program Coordinator


From Nature Saskatchewan:

-       Silvia Lac, Volunteer

-       Wayne Pepper, Representative, Saskatchewan Stakeholders Advisory Committee on Climate Change


From the University of Saskatchewan:

-       Andre Hucq, Professor

-       Roger D.H. Cohen, Professor

-       Cecil Nagy, Professor



From the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association:

-       Mark Allan, Business Manager


From the Government of Saskatchewan:

-       The Honourable Eric Cline, Q.C., Minister of Industry and Resources

-       Gordon Nystuen, Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization

-       Bob Ruggles, Assistant Deputy Minister, Programs Division, Saskatchewan Environment

-       Jim Marshall, Assistant Deputy Minister, Resources and Economic Policy, Saskatchewan Industry and Resources


From the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan:

-       Terry Hilderbrandt, President

-       Cecilia Olver, Vice-President

-       John Clair, President, Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association


February 25, 2003


From Natural Resources Canada:

-       Kelvin Hirsch, Forest Research Officer, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service

-       Brian Amiro, Research Scientist, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service

-       David Price, Research Scientist, Integrative Climate Change Impacts Modelling, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service

-       Tim Williamson, Sustainable Development Economist, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service


From Kalahari Management Inc.

-       Carol Patterson, President


From Wild Rose Agricultural Producers:

-       Keith Degenhardt, Director


From the Alberta Research Council:

-       Daniel Archambault, Research Scientist


From the University of Alberta:

-       Robert Grant, Associate Professor, Department of Renewable Resources


From the Canadian Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Research Network:

-       Greg McKinnon, Forest Sector Coordinator

-       Kelvin Hirsch, Forest Sector Scientific Director


From the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties:

-       Bart Guyon, Vice-President


From BioGem:

-       Grant Meikle, Vice-President

-       Larry Giesbrecht, President


From the Métis Nation of Alberta:

-       Rafique Islam, Sector Advisor

-       Trevor Gladue, Provincial Vice-President

-       George Quintal, Regional President

-       Myles Arfinson, Economic Development Officer


February 26, 2003

From the University of Lethbridge:

-       James Byrne, Professor


From the Federation of Alberta Naturalists:

-       Cheryl Bradley, Member


From the Canadian Sugar Beet Producers’ Association:

-       Gary Tokariuk, Vice-President


From the Kainai Nation:

-       Chris Shade, Chief

-       Andy Blackwater, Elder

-       Eugene Creighton, Legal Council

-       Elliot Fox, Chair of Lands

-       Rob First Rider, Director of Management of Lands


From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre:

-       Peter Burnett, Acting Director

-       Henry Janzen, Soil Scientist

-       Sean McGinn, Research Scientist


February 28, 2003

From Natural Resources Canada:

-       Paul Addison, Director General, Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service

-       Gary Hogan, Director of Forest Biology, Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service

-       Caroline Preston, Senior Research Scientist, Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service

-       Ross Benton, Research Office, Forest Climatology, Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service


From the British Columbia Agriculture Council:

-       Steve Thomson, Executive Director

-       Allan Patton, Director


From the Council of Tourism Associations of British Columbia:

-       Petrus Rykes, Vice-President, Land and Environment Portfolio


From the University of British Columbia:

-       John Innes, Professor, Department of Forest Resources Management

-       Zoe Harkin, Graduate Student


From the University of Victoria Tree-Ring Laboratory:

-       Dan Smith, Professor


From the North Central Municipal Association:

-       Sue Clark, Executive Coordinator


From the University of Victoria:

-       Andrew Weaver, Professor, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences

-       Steve Lonergan, Professor, Department of Geography

-       Ned Djilali, Director, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (IESVic)

-       G. Cornelis van Kooten, Professor, Department of Economics


From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

-       Denise Neilsen, Research Scientist, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre

-       C.A. Scott Smith, Head, Land Resource Unit, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre


March 20, 2003

From Carleton University:

-       Michael Brklacich, Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies


From the University of Guelph:

-       Barry Smit, Professor, Department of Geography

March 25, 2003

From Yale University:

-       Robert Mendelsohn, Professor


From the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

-       John Reilly, Associate Director of Research


March 27, 2003

From Brock University:

-       Mohammed H.I. Dore, Professor of Economics


April 1, 2003

From the University of Toronto:

-       Jay R. Malcolm, Associate Professor


April 3, 2003

From Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

-       Gilles Bélanger, Research Scientist, Crop Physiology and Agronomy

-       Samuel Gameda, Research Scientist, Soil, Water, Air and production Systems

-       Andy Bootsma, Honorary Research Associate


April 29, 2003

By videoconference

From l’Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue:

-       Yves Bergeron, Industry Chair UQAT/UQAM in Sustainable Forest Management


From the University of Wyoming:

-       Siân Mooney, Assistant Professor


May 1, 2003

From the University of Washington:

-       John Perez-Garcia, Associate Professor, Center for International Trade in Forest Products, College of Forest Resources


From the Nova Scotia Agricultural College:

-       David Burton, Climate Change Research Chair


From the Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Centre:

-       Jean-Louis Daigle, Executive Director


May 6, 2003

From Natural Resources Canada:

-       Roger Cox, Biologist, Canadian Forest Service (Forest Health)

-       Brian Stocks, Senior Research Scientist, Forest Fire & Global Change



From the University of Montreal:

-       Christopher Bryant, Chair, IGU Commission on the Sustainable Development of Rural Systems


May 8, 2003

By videoconference

From the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research:

-       Peter Cox, Head of Climate Chemistry and Ecosystems, Met Office

-       Richard Betts, Senior Ecosystem Scientist, Met Office



Other written submissions received:  

From Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc.

-             Shawn Wasel, Vice-President of Business and Fibre Security  

From Simon Fraser University:

-             Ben Bradshaw, Professor of Geography  

[1] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 14, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, March 27, 2003.

[2] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 6, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, February 4, 2003.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 8, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, February 20, 2003.

[6] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 6, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, February 4, 2003.

[7] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 8, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, February 20, 2003.

[8] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 12, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Vancouver, February 28, 2003, morning session.

[9] Statistics Canada defines rural areas as "sparsely populated lands lying outside urban areas" or in other words those areas with a population concentration of less than 1,000 and a population density of up to 400 per square kilometre.

[10] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 12, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Vancouver, February 28, 2003, afternoon session.

[11] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 5, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, December 12, 2002.

[12] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 4, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, December 5, 2002.

[13] Canadian Farmers At Risk, Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. June 2002. 1st Session, 37th Parliament. Available at  /en/Content/SEN/Committee/371/agri/rep/rep10jun02-e.htm.

[14] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 16, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, May 6, 2003.

[15] Tax deferral is a measure that can be applied to allow farmers who sell part of their breeding herd due to drought conditions to defer tax on a portion of the sale proceeds to the following year.

[16] Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Issue No. 6, 2nd Session, 37th Parliament, Ottawa, February 4, 2003.

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