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Permission Regarding the Reproduction of the Proceedings of the Senate and its Committees


The Senate of Canada is committed to being an open and accessible parliamentary institution. In order to provide greater public access and to promote public understanding of the work of the Senate and senators, the proceedings of the Senate and its committees are made available. The parliamentary privilege of the Senate to control the publication and broadcast of its proceedings is nonetheless reserved. All copyrights of the proceedings of the Senate and its committees are also reserved.


Reproduction of the proceedings of the Senate and its committees, in whole or in part and in any medium, is hereby permitted provided that the reproduction is not presented as official and is accurate, that is, the proceedings of the Senate and its committees are not used in such a way that would compromise the accuracy and integrity of the contents or undermine the dignity of the Senate, its committees or senators. This permission does not extend to any use for purposes of financial gain.

Permission for use outside this permission may be obtained from the Senate on written application to the Standing Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration. Any use outside this permission or without specific authorization from the Senate may be treated as copyright infringement in accordance with the Copyright Act.

Parliamentary Privilege

Reproduction in accordance with this permission does not constitute publication under the authority of the Senate. The absolute privilege that applies to the proceedings of the Senate and its committees does not extend to the reproductions permitted under this permission. Where a reproduction includes material submitted or provided to the Senate or one of its committees, including joint committees of the Senate and House of Commons, authorization for reproduction may be required from the authors in accordance with the Copyright Act.

Nothing in this permission abrogates or derogates from the privileges, powers, immunities and rights of the Senate and its committees. For greater certainty, this permission does not affect the prohibition against impeaching or questioning the proceedings of the Senate in courts or otherwise. The Senate retains the right and privilege to find users in contempt of Parliament if a reproduction or use is not in accordance with this permission.

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