COVID-19 Pandemic--Travel Restrictions
February 8, 2021
My question is for the government leader in the Senate.
Senator Gold, on January 26, the government discouraged non‑essential travel and released broad travel restriction measures. Almost two weeks later, Canadians are still waiting for clarity around these new measures. Canadians need to know when the hotel quarantine rule will go into effect and details on the $2,000 cost.
Senator Gold, when will the government commit to clearing their ambiguous travel restriction plans?
Thank you for the question. The government made the announcement to advise Canadians as soon as it made the decision that this was the policy direction it needed to go so that Canadians would have as much advance notice as possible and make their plans accordingly. I’m advised that the details are being worked out and there will be announcements when they’ve been finalized.
Senator Gold, given that the government will not apply these new travel restrictions to travellers crossing into Canada by land, and given that our U.S. neighbours have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world, what plans does the government have to protect Canadians from travellers crossing at the borders?
Thank you for your question. The government has put into place serious measures to protect Canadians from those coming in. The measures vary, as you correctly pointed out, for those travelling by land and by air. But in all cases, visitors to Canada are required to quarantine. They are being given the information and they are being supervised in that regard.
In that sense, senator, the government is satisfied that the measures that it’s taking to protect our borders are effective and consistent, at least in the case of our neighbours to the south, with ensuring that essential supply lines and essential travel remain unimpeded.