SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — Canada-Bahrain Relations
October 31, 2023
Honourable senators, I rise today to speak on the lasting friendship between Canada and Bahrain. Bahrain is a Persian Gulf country, an island country that comprises 50 natural islands.
Our countries have enjoyed a collaborative relationship on issues such as regional security, trade and investment. In fact, our commercial relationship has grown in the past few years, as Bahrain is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Last June, I had the pleasure of launching the Canada-Bahrain Friendship Group, alongside a number of fellow senators and members of Parliament. His Excellency Shaikh Abdulla bin Rashed Al Khalifa, Ambassador of Bahrain, took this occasion to commend Canada’s stance in support of global peace and security and our commitment to security of maritime navigation through our participation in the joint forces.
I’m also happy to share that this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Canada and Bahrain and a mutual desire for both our countries to foster deeper ties. I believe the new Friendship Group will prove to be a valuable space to achieve these goals. I look forward to our future collaboration.
Thank you.