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COVID-19 Vaccine

July 27, 2020

This question comes from my colleague, Senator Doug Black:

Many countries are participating in the international COVAX facility to secure a supply of COVID-19 vaccines. Alternatively, other countries have engaged in advance purchasing agreements.

Can you please advise on the status of securing a vaccine and a sufficient supply for Canadians?

Will the government participate in the COVAX facility?

Has the government approached any manufacturers about advance purchasing of vaccines for COVID-19?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ - ]

Thank you for your question. The government, I’m advised, is moving ahead in a comprehensive plan to invest in the development and supply of an eventual vaccine as well as other promising treatments.

The government is investing $600 million to support clinical trials to ensure Canada has the biomanufacturing capacity to supply a vaccine to the Canadian market. This will better position Canada to rapidly access a vaccine when one does become available, and the government will continue to work hard to develop other countermeasures to protect the health and safety of Canadians.

I’m not in a position to answer the specific questions that our colleague Senator Black (Alberta) posed. I’ll make some inquiries in that regard.

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