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QUESTION PERIOD — Agriculture and Agri-Food

Strategy on Research and Innovation

March 31, 2022

Honourable senators, I have a second agricultural question for the Government Representative in the Senate.

Senator Gold, as you may know, the Agri-Food Innovation Council, otherwise known as AIC, with the support of the agricultural sector, called for the creation of a national strategy on research and innovation in the agri-food sector in September 2021.

In fact, there have already been 32 key supporters, including the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association; CropLife Canada; the Deans Council – Agriculture, Food & Veterinary Medicine; Olds College; TELUS Agriculture; and the Rural Development Network, among many others.

Agri-food in Canada has strong innovative potential and is the key driver of economic growth. It is one of Canada’s best‑performing sectors. But, in order for Canada’s agri-food sector to continue to meet the world’s markets’ growing demand, innovation must be supported through science-based policy work and needs-specific funding.

Honourable colleagues, I recently met with representatives of AIC, who indicated that they are ready and willing to co-chair the group developing the strategy in hopes that the government will provide the other co-chair. However, AIC is not pushing what should be included in the strategy. They are simply pushing for the creation of a strategy and the inclusion of industry through an equal-led process between government and industry.

Senator Gold, can you advise us on the status of the creation of the national strategy on research and innovation in the agri-food sector?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ - ]

Thank you for your question. I’m advised that Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has in fact nine sector science strategies, including one specific to agri-food, to set priorities for our science activities.

The agri-food specific strategy aims to focus research and innovation investments, bring value to Canadian producers, including the agri-food sector, by outlining the research, development and technology transfer needs related to the agri‑food sector. This will include food, beverage and food ingredients, processing, packaging, distribution and consumption.

One key aspect of this strategy is the contribution toward food innovation and food safety. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides expertise, leadership and infrastructure research, development and technology transfer in the areas of food innovation and food safety in many ways. For example, developing greener, alternative agri-food processing and preservation techniques, including approaches to improve resource management, reduce waste and reduce losses due to spoilage during production, processing and distribution. The government is committed to continuing to support the agri-food sector through its sector science strategies.

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