QUESTION PERIOD — Agriculture and Agri-Food
Support for Agricultural Sector
June 21, 2022
Honourable senators, my question is for the Government Representative in the Senate.
Senator Gold, as are you well aware, agriculture is one of Canada’s most important industries. However, they are often left out of the conversation when it comes to government.
The next agricultural policy framework is a five-year investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen and grow Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector. It will replace the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, which ends March 31, 2023.
Honourable colleagues, while Canadian agriculture is a leader on the world stage, we are underperforming. To get to where we need to be with regard to production, exports, sustainable operations and innovation, and to ensure a strong, accessible and affordable food chain at home, the sector will require additional support — both financially and through policy — by all levels of government.
The current Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a $3-billion investment, with $2 billion in shared costs between the federal, provincial and territorial governments and $1 billion in federal funding for activities and programs.
My question today, Senator Gold, is this: Will the government commit to providing a realistic five-year investment to support agriculture in realizing its full potential? I underline “realistic.” Thank you.
Thank you, senator, for the question. I’m not sure that I would agree with you — although you are certainly more of an expert in this area than I — that our agricultural sector is underperforming. I think many factors have conspired to affect the industry over the last number of years. This includes the usual suspects these days, if you will: COVID-19, but also floods and drought.
However, the agricultural sector has demonstrated great resiliency. The government has always been there and will continue to be there to support our producers and processors in times of need.
Budget 2022 says the following:
Federal, provincial, and territorial governments will work together over the coming year to renew the programs under the next agricultural policy framework that begins in 2023.
Colleagues, there is strong political will to renew the partnership and to position the agricultural sector for continued success over the next five years.