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QUESTION PERIOD — Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

2030 Emissions Reduction Plan

March 3, 2022

Welcome to the Senate, Minister Guilbeault.

Minister, the Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act was passed by both houses last June. It called for the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan and the establishment of the Canadian Net-Zero Advisory Body. Could you tell us if we can expect the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan this month? Would you be able to mention any highlights? Also, could you tell us how you see the Net-Zero Advisory Body working with the planned just transition advisory body?

Hon. Steven Guilbeault, P.C., M.P., Minister of Environment and Climate Change [ + ]

Thank you for the question, senator. I am obligated by law to table the emissions reduction plan by the end of the month, so it will be done. The answer to your first question is yes.

The Net-Zero Advisory Body is a very important group helping the government to lay the path toward our net-zero society in 2050. It plays a very important role. I have had several meetings with them since I’ve been nominated Environment Minister. They play an exceedingly important role. We have been engaging with them in the elaboration of the emissions reduction plan. Unfortunately, since it’s not public yet, I can’t comment on specific elements of the plan. You will have to be patient for just a few more weeks.

The Hon. the Speaker [ + ]

Just to remind you, honourable senators, there are no supplementary questions when we have a minister for Question Period, except the one supplementary question that is given to the Leader of the Opposition.

It is not in addition to what I asked. I just want an answer to what I asked.

The Hon. the Speaker [ + ]

I’m sorry, Senator Coyle. You asked your question. You got your answer, and there are no supplementary questions.

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