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Aviation Safety

February 27, 2024

My question is directed to Senator Gold.

December 7, 2023, The Globe and Mail reported details of a draft report by the International Civil Aviation Organization, the ICAO, which is a United Nations agency, highlighting significant lapses in Transport Canada’s oversight of the safety of this country’s civil aviation system. The audit found a notable decrease in Canada’s overall score from 95, in 2005, down to 64, which means Canada’s score ranks with countries in the developing world.

The ICAO judged the country’s safety regime on hundreds of criteria within eight areas, and Canada scored below the global average in six out of eight categories.

What is the government’s response to this report? What specific actions and measures does the Minister of Transport plan to take to address the critical issues identified in this report and to improve the safety standards of Canada’s aviation industry?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for your question, senator.

Let me be clear that while Transport Canada is confident in the safety of Canada’s aviation system, it very much welcomes the opportunity to further improve their processes and framework so as to be better aligned with ICAO standards and recommended practice.

However, it is important to remember that Canada is a unique country, particularly when it comes to aviation. Many remote and Northern communities rely heavily on local and regional airports. Aviation services are literally lifelines for transportation, emergency services and food and water. This means that Canada’s regulatory framework — developed for a Canadian reality — which, very safe though it is, does not always completely align with global ICAO standards.

Senator Gold, I’m really asking about what the response of the government is to the ICAO report and whether that report will prompt any particular actions on the part of the government, specifically in response to what they have said. They have ranked us. Our score has gone down from what it was to what it is now, so something has changed in our system. Thank you.

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you for the question. My understanding is that Transport Canada, in its continuing efforts to improve and to further align with ICAO standards, is doing a new audit in that regard. My understanding is that it will be carried out in 2025.

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