QUESTION PERIOD — Canadian Heritage
Canada Media Fund
September 17, 2024
Senator Gold, TIFF, the Toronto International Film Festival, was planning to screen Russians at War, which is a propaganda film that shows Russian soldiers in a sympathetic light, with no mention of the war crimes or atrocities that they have committed.
Many, including Senator Kutcher, myself and others, have publicly criticized TIFF. Although the screening was temporarily paused, the film is now apparently back in theatres. It has been widely reported that the film was funded in part by the Canada Media Fund, or CMF, which provided $340,000. As we know, the CMF receives taxpayer dollars from the Government of Canada.
Minister Freeland has said, “It’s not right for Canadian public money to be supporting the screening and production of a film like this.”
I want to build on this point. How is it that taxpayer dollars went into the making of this propaganda film? How did this happen? Do the funders understand —
Thank you.
Thank you for your question, senator. While I cannot speak for the Canada Media Fund, it’s my understanding that the CMF provided $340,000 in funding for the film through TVOntario, now known as TVO, under the Broadcaster Envelope Program. My understanding is that the CMF has stated:
We rely on our trusted and CRTC-regulated broadcasters to ensure the project conforms to the programming standards endorsed by the CRTC.
I also understand that TVO has stated:
TVO’s Board of Directors has decided to respect the feedback we have received, and TVO will no longer be supporting or airing Russians at War.
Thank you, Senator Gold. Can you advise whether the CMF will undertake a review of the way it allocates funds to ensure that in the future public money will not be spent on propaganda films like this?
Although I can’t speak for the CMF or TVO, it’s my understanding that TVO has said that it will review the process by which the project was funded.