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QUESTION PERIOD — Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Super Visas

October 27, 2020

Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer [ + ]

Supplementary. Leader, everything you say I believe. I know that, during COVID, it’s very difficult, but, yesterday, your own paper, the Toronto Star— well, you live in that area.

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate)

I’m a Montrealer.

Senator Jaffer [ + ]

I know, but I meant the paper spoke about these applications being racist, that there is racism in the way these applications are being covered.

I’m not saying that, but a lot of people are saying to me that it is the people from certain countries whose applications are being affected. I don’t accept that, but I would ask you, leader, to ask the minister why he is not issuing special visas at this time? Because the people who are waiting here are Canadians. They are waiting for their spouses. Children are waiting for their parents. How long are they going to wait? Some children have been waiting up to three years.

I am a proud Montrealer, but it’s okay. I did live in Toronto and I did live in Vancouver, so I understand, from the Vancouver perspective, it’s sort of all central Canada or east. I’m fine with that.

But, no, it’s a serious question. You have asked the question before, and I have made inquiries, Senator Jaffer. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet received a specific answer to the question about special visas. I’m still awaiting that answer. When I do get it, I will certainly provide it to you and to the chamber in a timely fashion.

The government acknowledges there is much more work that needs to be done. I hope that it will bring results sooner rather than later.

The Hon. the Speaker [ + ]

Honourable senators, the time for Question Period has expired.

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