Committee of Selection
Joint Committees Authorized to Hold Hybrid Meetings
February 10, 2022
Pursuant to notice of February 8, 2022, moved:
That, notwithstanding any provision of the Rules, previous order or usual practice and pursuant to the order of the Senate on November 25, 2021, authorizing Senate committees to hold hybrid meetings, the Senate authorize standing joint committees to hold hybrid meetings;
(a)hybrid committee meetings be considered, for all purposes, to be meetings of the standing joint committee in question, and senators taking part in such meetings be considered, for all purposes, to be present at the meeting;
(b)for greater certainty, and without limiting the general authority granted when this order is adopted by the Senate, when a standing joint committee holds a hybrid meeting:
(i)all members of a standing joint committee participating count towards quorum;
(ii)such meetings be considered to be occurring in the parliamentary precinct, irrespective of where participants may be; and
(iii)the standing joint committees be directed to approach in camera meetings with all necessary precaution, taking account of the risks to confidentiality inherent in such technologies; and
(c)subject to variations that may be required by the circumstances, to participate by videoconference senators must:
(i) participate from an office or residence within Canada;
(ii)use a desktop or laptop computer and a headset with integrated microphone provided by the Senate for videoconferences;
(iii)not use other devices such as personal tablets or smartphones;
(iv)be the only people visible on the videoconference;
(v)have their video on and broadcasting their image at all times; and
(vi)leave the videoconference if they leave their seat; and
That a message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House accordingly.
Are honourable senators ready for the question?
Is it your pleasure, honourable senators, to adopt the motion?
Hon. Senators: Agreed.
(Motion agreed to.)