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June 20, 2024

Honourable senators, I rise today to recognize the inspiring undertaking of Halifax ultra‑marathon runner Ryan Keeping.

On April 1, Ryan departed St. John’s, Newfoundland, on a mission to run across Canada in under 100 days. This extraordinary challenge has Ryan running 75 kilometres every day in order to complete the 7,386-kilometre journey in the brief time frame. The objective is to raise awareness and funds for heart disease.

As an accomplished ultra-marathon runner, Ryan is no stranger to extreme distances, but attempting to run 75 kilometres day after day for 99 days is a challenge that he has described as seemingly impossible. Ryan credits his passion and inspiration for distance running to Terry Fox — the greatest Canadian of all time, says Ryan.

On his website, Ryan explains:

Terry attempted a challenge that most would never dream of and I want to use the inspiration he provided me and attempt my own seemingly impossible challenge.

Ryan hopes his journey will help to raise awareness for heart disease and the Heart and Stroke Foundation, a cause that is deeply personal to him. Several members of his family, including his father and grandfathers, have been affected by heart disease, and his siblings have recently tested positive for the gene causing heart issues.

Since departing St. John’s, Ryan has steadily — one stride at a time — made his way from province to province, gaining a considerable following of supporters along the way. Over 1,000 people showed up in Toronto for the opportunity to run with him as he made his way through southern Ontario.

It took Ryan a full month to traverse the enormity of Ontario, but as he approached milepost 3,339 outside Thunder Bay, he had the uplifting opportunity to visit the spot where his hero Terry Fox had to end his Marathon of Hope in 1980. Having since crossed both Manitoba and Saskatchewan, just yesterday, Ryan successfully made it to Alberta, completing over 6,000 kilometres of his journey. As we speak, he is running through Medicine Hat and will be approaching Calgary and the Rockies in the coming days. For those who wish to follow his progress, I encourage you to visit Ryan’s website,, for regular updates on his route, links to various media platforms and a link to donate to his cause, which has now surpassed over $115,000 in donations.

Halifax’s Ryan Keeping is set to reach the finish line in Victoria, B.C., on July 7. His seemingly impossible challenge to run across this vast country in under 100 days has been an extraordinary display of perseverance, and I — and I hope all senators — congratulate Ryan on his truly inspiring efforts.

Thank you.

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