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International Francophone Alliance for Equality and Diversity

May 16, 2019

Hon. Julie Miville-Dechêne

Honourable senators, as we mark the 50th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality, Quebec is taking a big step today to help LGBTQI people in the francophone community.

Just two hours ago, the Government of Quebec officially launched a new international organization, a bold initiative aimed at empowering LGBTQI people to stand up for their rights in the francophone world. This initiative involves 33 countries. Quebec became a pioneer in defending these rights in 1977, when it banned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation under the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. It is time to look beyond our borders and offer our support and expertise to LGBTQI people who are often going through hell on earth.

Being gay is still fully illegal in 14 francophone countries in Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean, and there are other places where sexual diversity is barely tolerated and violent street attacks and public shaming are common.

I witnessed that first-hand when I served as the Quebec government’s envoy for human rights and freedoms. I met with gay and lesbian youth in Africa who were hiding their sexual orientation from their families, who were losing their jobs at the slightest rumour, and who were being arbitrarily stopped in the streets and thrown into prison. All those people are asking for is the right to life and liberty, fundamental rights that we take for granted.

Égides – l’Alliance internationale francophone pour l’égalité et les diversités was launched today. It is a new network to promote LGBTQI rights. It will support the creation of partnerships and safe and inclusive spaces for dialogue and promote the sharing of resources and information, particularly with regard to training.

This is not about imposing our values on others, but to create safe and inclusive spaces to give those who need it the ability to wage their fight for greater recognition in their communities at their own pace and in their own way.

Such a network already exists in the English-speaking world. It is called the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. I am proud that Quebec took the initiative to give LGBTQI francophones around the world such an alliance in their language. Thank you.

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