Notice of Motion to Amend Chapters 5:03 and 5:04 of the Senate Administrative Rules
September 27, 2023
Honourable senators, I give notice that, at the next sitting of the Senate, I will move:
That, in light of the recent changes to the Senate Room Allocation Policy by the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration, the Senate Administrative Rules be amended as follows:
1.That the Senate Administrative Rules be amended
(a)in Chapter 5:03 by replacing sections 2 and 3 with the following:
“Basic staff
2. (1) The Clerk Assistant, Committees, will assign a clerk to each Senate committee.”
Additional Staff
(2) The Internal Economy Committee may direct the Clerk Assistant, Committees, to provide a committee with any additional staff that the Committee sees fit.
Schedule and room allocation
3. The Clerk Assistant, Committees, in consultation with all leaders and facilitators, will assign a meeting schedule and reserve a room for each Senate committee and subcommittee that meets regularly.”, and
(b)in Chapter 5:04 by replacing subsection 2(2) with the following:
“Meeting schedule
(2) The Clerk Assistant, Committees, in consultation with the caucus spokespersons, will assign a meeting schedule and reserve a room for each caucus that meets regularly. Due consideration should be given to the size of a caucus and its status as a recognized party or recognized parliamentary group, as defined by the Rules of the Senate.”; and
2.That the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel be authorized to make any necessary technical, editorial, grammatical or other required, non-substantive changes to the Senate Administrative Rules as a result of these amendments, including the updating of cross-references and the renumbering of provisions.