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QUESTION PERIOD — Global Affairs

Conflict in Gaza Strip

May 2, 2024

My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate. Senator Gold, in mid-March the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, reported that since the beginning of the Israeli offensive in Gaza, about 13,000 children have been killed as a result of the conflict. In addition to the thousands dead, there are many more children now dealing with malnutrition and starvation. Children in Gaza are facing a calamity few can begin to imagine.

Senator Gold, could you provide us with an update on what the Government of Canada is doing to provide relief for the support of children in Gaza?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Senator, thank you for your question. As you know, Canada was the first G7 country to provide support to Gaza and is one of the world’s largest donors of assistance to address the current crisis, not only for the children but for their families and communities.

Canada has announced $60 million in funding for humanitarian assistance to address the acute needs of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and neighbouring areas, while ensuring and doing its best to ensure that none of the money goes into the hands of Hamas. This funding will help provide food, water, emergency medical assistance, protection services and other life-saving assistance.

Senator Gold, we know of the efforts of the American military to build a port in Gaza to bring in aid. What support is the Government of Canada providing to our American partners to support their efforts to get aid to the people of Gaza?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you. In addition to the $60 million that I announced, the government has provided an additional $40 million in funding to provide for humanitarian assistance. These funds are being allocated among many organizations: the World Food Programme, UNICEF, the United Nations Population Fund, the World Health Organization and others. It is my understanding that the UN and humanitarian aid organizations will be using the temporary pier to which you referred to assist in the distribution of aid in Gaza — aid that the government is helping to fund.

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