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QUESTION PERIOD — Employment, Workforce Development and Labour

Canada Disability Benefit

October 5, 2023

My question is for Senator Gold. I wish to follow up on the question from a few days ago from Senator Cotter on the implementation of Bill C-22.

When we studied the bill at the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, we took the promise of then-Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, Carla Qualtrough, for the co-creation of regulations as a promise that would be fulfilled. More disturbingly, the disabled community is telling us that — instead of a co-creation model — they are seeing standard round tables and online surveys, which are in no way “inclusionary” in the way they understood it.

Will the government change course and create a truly collaborative co-creation process for the implementation of Bill C-22?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you, senator, for raising this question.

I’m advised that the ongoing consultations that the government is and continues to do build upon the government’s work over the past several years. This work included — and continues to include — collaboration with the provinces and territories, as well as extensive, high-quality engagement with organizations and persons with disabilities from a wide variety of backgrounds and circumstances.

In the spirit of Nothing Without Us, the government is committed to meaningful engagement that allows all offices to be heard.

So, with regard to your question, I will raise that particular concern with the minister and am sure it will be well received.

Senator Gold, would you also convey to the minister that one of the largest stakeholders, the March of Dimes, has raised this question with us? They have also raised the issue that there will be no money flowing to the disability community without an allocation somewhere.

Will the government table their financial allocation soon to assure the disability community that benefits will be flowing sooner rather than later? They really are concerned.

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you.

I understand the concern. It’s an important program and important that the money be flowing. I will communicate the specifics of your request.

I don’t have information on the timeline, but the government shares the common goal of having the Canada disability benefit running as soon as possible. The government knows that the disability community is counting on it to deliver.

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