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SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — Sabine Sparwasser

Congratulations on Retirement

April 10, 2024

Honourable senators, today I rise to honour the remarkable tenure of German Ambassador to Canada, Madam Sabine Sparwasser, as she retires from her diplomatic service. Her contributions have been nothing but transformational, leaving behind a legacy of strengthened ties and deepened cooperation between our two nations.

Throughout her time as ambassador, Madam Sparwasser has played a pivotal role in enhancing the economic relationships between our two nations. Under her leadership, the level of investment between Canada and Germany has reached unprecedented heights, reflecting the robust economic partnership and mutual trust we have in each other’s economies.

Ambassador Sparwasser also oversaw the closest cultural and social relationship between Canada and Germany in history, fostering extensive exchanges in various fields, including the arts, culture, education and innovation.

As one example, during a state visit by our Governor General to Germany, Canada showcased the rich diversity of its literature at the Frankfurt Book Fair, an event made possible through Ambassador Sparwasser’s efforts.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s 2021 visit to Canada was a watershed moment in her tenure as it established a bridge across the Atlantic on hydrogen cooperation. This landmark initiative underscores our shared commitment to combatting climate change and advancing sustainable energy solutions through joint research and developmental efforts.

Also, under her watch — there are many firsts — Canada’s first Inuit Governor General, Mary Simon, accompanied German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to Tuktoyaktuk, showcasing the unique cultural heritage of its Indigenous communities to the President of Germany for the first time.

In our shared pursuit of these values, Canada and Germany have bolstered cooperation in defending democracy and supporting Ukraine, and Germany’s embrace of Canada’s progressive migration policies highlights our joint dedication to inclusion. It signifies a powerful alliance as we tackle global challenges and strive for peace and democracy together.

Please join me in expressing our heartfelt gratitude and best wishes to Ambassador Sparwasser as she concludes her distinguished service to her nation and to ours. Thank you.

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