SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — The Honourable Murray Sinclair, C.C.
October 30, 2024
Honourable senators, I originally sought this statement spot to discuss the seventeenth anniversary — on October 19 — of the homicidal death of Ashley Smith in solitary confinement at the hands of the Correctional Service of Canada, one day after Persons Day and two days after the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty — three days in a row that epitomize the need for us, senators, to act to protect the interests of the dispossessed, oppressed and marginalized.
But the reality of the significant health challenges facing our former colleague the Honourable Murray Sinclair made me alter this plan. Instead, I rise to humbly ask all of you here and in the community to join his family and honour their request that we be part of global efforts to focus our collective love, energy, thoughts, prayers and community support toward our dearly beloved friend and former colleague.
Two months into his tenure here, Senator Sinclair spoke about how the way he was raised led him to believe in and treat this place as Canada’s council of elders. He said:
. . . [people to be] treated with great respect, for it is recognized that their experience and life achievements have given them the right to be seen as wise people, and the responsibility to behave as such.
He continued:
We are entrusted to ensure that regional interests are properly considered, that the citizenship and legal rights of minorities are protected, that there is an overall fairness to each law and that the proposed law is clear, concise and constitutional. . . .
In closing, the Honourable Murray Sinclair said:
During our time here, we have an obligation to show Canadians that they expect this place to abide by those two important principles. We will allow and we will assist the government to govern and we will protect the rights of those whose minority positions are threatened by majority rule. We must abide by the proverb that when two foxes and a chicken are voting on what to have for dinner we will stand up for the chicken.
In addition to ensuring we stand up for such proverbial chickens, honourable colleagues, I ask you spend as many seconds, minutes, hours and more that you are able to send this magnificent, kind and compassionate lion of a leader — and friend to so many — your most positive, loving, healing thoughts, prayers and energy.
Meegwetch. Thank you.