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Regulation of Vaping Fluids

June 7, 2023

My question is for Senator Gold, the Government Representative in the Senate. Senator Gold, my question has to do with the rate of vaping among Canadian teenagers, which, as you may know, is one of the highest in the world.

Last month, the results of the Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey 2021-22 confirmed that this increase in use is largely due to the appeal and availability of flavours. The existing restrictions do not seem to be sufficient. As senators will recall, vaping was supposed to help adult smokers stop smoking without attracting young non-smokers.

Does the government realize that it needs to act quickly to make vaping less appealing to young people and thereby protect them from nicotine dependency?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for the question and your ongoing commitment to this issue, senator. As you know, honourable senators, the government has already taken a number of steps to reduce the appeal of vaping products, not only for young people but for everyone.

The government eliminated and banned lifestyle advertising on television and in stores, as well as the social media content of influencers who are trying to encourage young people to take up this habit.

That being said, I have been informed that the government is still examining this issue to find more ways to help adults, in particular, transition from smoking cigarettes, cigars and the like to vaping, while not encouraging the younger generation to take up this habit.

Senator Gold, I would like to get a clear and precise answer, especially about the flavours. You will recall that during study of Bill S-5, we were assured that this bill would provide Health Canada with the necessary flexibility to respond very quickly and make adjustments based on the most recent data available. We have that data now.

We can see that several provinces are taking the initiative and taking action. Quebec recently banned all vaping flavours other than tobacco. Don’t you think that it is the federal government’s responsibility to take action and use regulatory mechanisms to restrict or outright ban, nationwide, flavours that are appealing to young people?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you for the question. I have been told that the federal government is working closely with the provinces and territories that have a say about this in the system. I have also been told that conditions remain with respect to shared responsibilities between the two levels in this regard.

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