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Nicotine Products

November 28, 2023

My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate.

Senator Gold, Health Canada has just approved the over-the-counter sale of flavoured nicotine pouches for oral use. These new products, which contain four milligrams of nicotine, are not regulated as tobacco products. They have been approved under the Natural Health Products Regulations, which do not provide for a minimum age for purchase.

We have been told that the target client base are adults who want to quit smoking. However, what the Canadian Cancer Society has shown us is that these new products are being advertized on social media, television and billboards near schools, and that they are “lifestyle” ads. Some experts and organizations recommend suspending the sale of these pouches and adopting regulations.

We’ve gone to great lengths as a society to protect our young people from smoking. Shouldn’t the government, as a precautionary measure, follow the recommendations of these organizations in a timely fashion?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you for the question. The government takes the marketing of nicotine-containing products to young people very seriously. Health Canada and the federal government will continue to do what it takes to protect Canadians.

Senator Gold, in April, the Netherlands announced it was banning the sale of all types of nicotine pouches. Since October, the sale of nicotine pouches is no longer allowed in Belgium. Denmark is regulating the use of nicotine pouches under its existing tobacco law. Can you assure me that Canada is also going to take leadership and will not wait until damage is done?

Senator Gold [ + ]

Thank you. I know that Health Canada and the Government of Canada will look carefully at the experience in other countries and continue to take that under consideration as it considers what steps to take.

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