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QUESTION PERIOD — International Trade

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement

May 26, 2021

Hon. Donald Neil Plett (Leader of the Opposition)

Honourable senators, the Leader of the Government will be happy because he indicated yesterday he was getting tired of talking about and answering my questions around vaccines. So I will give him a break for a day. My question will be about the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA.

Yesterday, the United States trade representative announced that the U.S. had requested a dispute settlement panel under the new NAFTA — the first such panel since the CUSMA entered into force. Through this panel, the U.S. is targeting Canada’s dairy sector, specifically our tariff rate quotas, or TRQs, on 14 different dairy products.

Leader, I raised the allocation of TRQs with you earlier this month and, like my answers — or lack of answers — on vaccines, I have not received an answer on this.

Dairy Farmers of Canada have said they believe that Canada’s allocation of its TRQs is consistent with the terms of CUSMA. Senator Gold, given all the concessions they’ve made in recent years, what assurances will you give our dairy farmers that your government will fight for them in this trade action brought by the United States?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ - ]

Thank you for your question.

I am pleased to answer that Canadians, dairy farmers and the industry can be assured that the government will continue to fight for them. Canada has successfully defended its approach to this industry through a series of trade negotiations and will continue to do so. Canada will continue to work and prosecute our interests diligently through the dispute resolution mechanisms that are available to us under CUSMA, as we have done in the past.

Surprise, surprise — the answer is little different from when I ask about vaccines.

Dairy farmers can see many areas lately where the U.S. has taken positions against Canada’s best interests and our government, leader, is missing in action. The Keystone XL permit was revoked and the Trudeau government barely uttered a word about it. Line 5 is in danger, yet the Trudeau government waited until the last possible day to defend it in court. We don’t have an exemption to the new Buy American provisions. And the list goes on.

Leader, given all this, our dairy farmers have a right to be concerned. They have a right to know when, leader. They are also still waiting for details on the promised CUSMA compensation.

Why should dairy farmers think the Trudeau government will defend their interests, as you say they will, in CUSMA when they and all Canadians have been let down in these and other areas? What assurances do our dairy farmers have other than you just simply saying, “We love you all”? Give us some answers, leader.

Senator Gold [ - ]

Thank you for your question.

Actions speak louder than words. The Government of Canada has successfully defended our supply management approach against very sustained criticisms and attacks from many quarters. Canada continues to be successful in its efforts to defend Canadian interests.

Not every action that Canada takes in these complex relationships, especially with our most important trading partner, are necessarily made in public. Canadians and dairy farmers can rest assured that the Canadian government is seized with the issue and is working hard to defend our interests.

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