June 22, 2022
Honourable senators, as we approach Canada Day and the end of the parliamentary session, I want to take the opportunity to say a few words about our great country.
As Canadians, we are blessed to live in one of the freest and safest nations on Earth. We have much to be proud of and grateful for. As a beacon of hope, democracy, opportunity and liberty, Canada has attracted millions of people from around the world, who came here to make this country their home. Every year, hundreds of thousands of newcomers are welcome with open arms to join our growing Canadian family and way of life.
This Canadian way of life is one that is rooted in a distinct set of values: prosperity, security, hard work, opportunity, free enterprise, human rights, community and compassion, to just name a few. But the most foundational principle of this great country is, without a doubt, freedom, for without freedom, none of the other things I just mentioned would be possible.
The last few years have been difficult for everyone. Faced with challenging times brought on by a pandemic, Canadians have been divided, isolated and often pushed to the limit. Governments have repeatedly tried to restrict our freedom, yet I believe the adversity we have faced will only strengthen our resilience and make us an even better country. In spite of governments’ best efforts to divide us and turn us against each other, I believe Canadians will emerge more united than ever — with one another, their families, their friends and fellow Canadians.
Our governments have also tried to use the pandemic as a means of getting rid of proper accountability and diminishing the role of parliamentary oversight. That needs to end. The hybrid Parliament needs to end. Canadians expect us to ensure proper parliamentary oversight, which is our role and our duty to them.
As Canadians, we must never forget that the freedoms we enjoy every day cannot be taken for granted nor are they free; our freedoms came at a very costly price, paid for by men and women far braver than any of us, who sacrificed themselves in the fight against tyranny so that future generations could be free. It now falls upon us to guard that freedom and protect it for those who will follow us.
Canada is a great country worth celebrating, and it is my hope that we will do just that, not just this upcoming Canada Day but every day. Thank you.