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Medical Assistance in Dying

December 12, 2024

Hon. Donald Neil Plett (Leader of the Opposition)

Leader, the Ontario Office of the Chief Coroner recently released a report from a committee reviewing medically assisted death. It includes disturbing case studies.

For example, a psychiatrist proactively raised assisted suicide to a man in his forties with inflammatory bowel disease who was undergoing a mental health assessment. The committee found his substance abuse was not explored by the medical assistance in dying, or MAID, assessments. He was not offered addiction treatments. There was no documented input from his family. The MAID provider personally drove him in their vehicle to the location of his death. That is shameful, leader.

Where were the so-called safeguards that your government said would protect this man?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

That story is very disturbing. I have no knowledge of that particular case.

To your question, the safeguards for access to medical assistance in dying are contained in legislation that was passed by Parliament. The administration of those guardrails, the criteria and the rules are the responsibility of medical professionals who are subject to Ontario’s regulatory framework, in the case of Ontario.

I know, Senator Plett, your and some of your colleagues’ opposition to medical assistance in dying under any circumstances. I respect that point of view, but that is not the law of Canada. I respect the results of the investigation to which you refer.

If it turns out these rules were ignored or misapplied, I expect the appropriate regulatory authorities will take the appropriate action.

You’re absolutely right. I oppose it for all reasons. But all reasonably minded Canadians oppose our offering death to someone with an inflammatory bowel disease, Senator Gold. I hope you do as well.

The report shows people who received assisted suicide under Track 2, where death is not reasonably foreseeable, were much more likely to live in marginalized areas of Ontario. Are you going to brush this off on the provinces, leader? Take some responsibility for once.

Does the Trudeau government have any concerns about the findings of this report?

Senator Gold [ + ]

I am going to choose not to take offence at some of the innuendos. You have succeeded, because you’re a very talented person, Senator Plett, in giving offence and not apologizing for it.

This government cares about Canadians. It cares deeply about the proper application and administration of its law and will continue to do so despite your personal views, which I actually respect, though not the way in which you express them towards me.

Thank you.

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