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SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — National Indigenous History Month

June 13, 2024

Honourable senators, some say that culture is within language. I rise today to speak on National Indigenous History Month. Indigenous people are all about sharing stories. I will weave some stories together during my speech.

Last week, I spent some time with my dear friend Doug. Doug lost his mom, Kathlin Sorbey, last May 24. Kathlin attended various Indian day schools and, later, the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School. Despite this, she was viewed as a language and cultural ambassador of the Mi’kmaq.

Kathlin’s brother was Grand Keptin Alex Denny of the Mi’kmaq Grand Council. A strong proponent of the Mi’kmaq language, he would often say that everyone can return to their country of origin and learn their mother tongue. That is, everyone except the Mi’kmaq.

I grew up in Paqtnkek, beside my kiju — grandmother — Kaloline Prosper. Her English was very limited, and this was similar to my understanding of Mi’kmaq. Our awkward meetings left me feeling stupid, inadequate and disconnected from my identity as a Mi’kmaq person.

The Mi’kmaq language is carved from time, spirit and the geography of our traditional lands called Mi’kma’ki.

Now, Doug’s mom, Kathlin, spoke excellent Mi’kmaq and English. Every time I spoke to her, I would feel grounded and connected. Last Mother’s Day, Doug visited his mom in the hospital. He gave her this poem which reads:


Sometimes I feel the shame of not having the ability to comfort you in Mi’kmaw; nor the ability to be taught and hear your story in Mi’kmaw. But today I want to remind you that the greatest gifts you have given to me were never conveyed by word — whether in English or Mi’kmaw. Instead, your greatest gift to me is Your Example:

Your Example of Sobriety — within a community in need of healing;

Your Example of Generosity and Kindness — in the midst of poverty;

Your Example of Obstinate Fortitude — despite institutional abuse

Your Example of Equality — in a world tainted by racism

Your example of Joyfulness; in a world that takes itself too seriously.

Wela’lioq. Thank you very much.

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