QUESTION PERIOD — Governor-in-Council Appointments
Senate Vacancies
October 31, 2023
Honourable senators, I’m delighted to learn that five new colleagues will soon be joining us here in the Senate. I am delighted. They look like extremely qualified people to join us here in the Senate. I cannot help but notice, however, that there are still five vacancies in the Western Canadian block of senators, including two from Alberta. Alberta has not had a full complement of senators now for three and a half years. I’m not going to ask you today, Government Representative —
Order. Senator Simons has the floor.
Please continue.
I’m not going to ask you today, Government Representative, when those seats will be filled, but I also can’t help but note that all of the seats for the people who are on the Selection Committee for the four Western provinces are currently vacant. Can you tell us when you intend to fill those seats?
Thank you. I don’t have the answer as to why all the seats are vacant, but I do know, as senators, of course, would know, that each province’s committee is made up of seats both nominated by or brought forward by the federal government and by the provincial government. In that regard, we all regret the delay in filling all vacant seats, and, indeed, I personally regret the fact that seats in certain provinces, those to which you have made reference, have not been fulfilled.
As colleagues would know, it is part of my regular representations to government to encourage that those seats be filled, and I’ll continue to make those representations.
I think it’s a matter of public record that the current Premier of Alberta does not intend to nominate people because she believes in the previous government’s senators-in-waiting election process. Does that mean that Albertans will be denied representation in the Senate until there is a change of government in Alberta, or does the government intend to do something to fill those seats?
I cannot comment on what the government’s plans may be if the Government of Alberta continues to resist participating in the process that brought so many of us to this chamber. The government continues to believe in collaboration and cooperation with provincial counterparts to establish the process to bring people to this chamber.