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THE SENATE — New Senator

Congratulations on Appointment

November 29, 2022

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Honourable senators, on behalf of my colleagues in the Government Representative Office, I would like to welcome Senator Andrew Cardozo to the Senate of Canada.

While new to this chamber, Senator Cardozo is familiar to many of us through his writing, whether for his monthly contributions to The Hill Times, as a regular columnist for the Toronto Star or as a contributor on timely and important issues in other major newspapers.

As founder of the Pearson Centre for Progressive Policy, he has focused on multiculturalism, anti-racism, diversity and equity, broadcasting and cultural policy as well as skills development — particularly, and most recently, the future of work. His knowledge and experience in all of these areas will be a valuable asset to the Red Chamber.

In a recent interview, Senator Cardozo stated that, as a former CRTC commissioner, he is proudest of being part of the panel that approved the licence for the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, which is still going strong more than two decades later.

Besides all of his professional achievements, Senator Cardozo has been an active volunteer with the YMCA-YWCA, the Vancouver Institute of Media Arts and with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa. He was honoured as Big Brother of the Year.

Honourable colleagues, please join me in welcoming Senator Andrew Cardozo.

Hon. Donald Neil Plett (Leader of the Opposition) [ + ]

Honourable Senator Andrew Cardozo, my colleagues in the Senate Conservative Caucus join me in wishing you the warmest of welcomes to the Senate of Canada. Today, you are officially embarking on a new chapter of your life. I’m sure all my Senate colleagues will agree that every new swearing-in ceremony calls us back to reflect on our own and that we have all shared in the excitement and anticipation you are likely feeling today.

This day will forever represent a special moment in your history — one that is marked above all by the honour that has been bestowed upon you and the weight of the responsibility that has been entrusted to you.

As you look ahead to your future in the upper chamber, I hope it is of great reassurance to you that you are not only being called to serve in one of our country’s greatest institutions but being welcomed to a new family — the Senate family. While our Senate family is made up of many varying opinions and perspectives that often cause us to disagree, we are all united in our goal and duty, which is to ensure that the best interests of all Canadians are served and represented.

I trust you will keep that at the forefront of your service to Ontarians and all Canadians in the years to come.

Senator Cardozo, your experience and talents are a welcome addition, which will undoubtedly enrich the debates and dialogues of this chamber. Your rich background in public policy and commitment to the issues that are important to you will guide you in your journey in this institution and make for tremendous contributions to the future of the Senate.

I, along with the rest of our Senate colleagues, look forward to the unique perspective you will bring to our deliberations, and we are eager to work collaboratively with you to deliver the best results for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

On behalf of the Senate Conservative Caucus, congratulations and welcome to the upper chamber.

Hon. Raymonde Saint-Germain [ + ]

Honourable senators, I am very pleased to join my colleagues from all groups and caucuses in welcoming Senator Leonard Andrew Cardozo.

While it may be the first time, Senator Cardozo, that you are present in this chamber, no one is thinking of you as a stranger to the study of legislation, federal politics, our work in this chamber or to the Senate’s overall contribution to Canadian society. Indeed, you have been one of Canada’s leading voices on public policy for many years. Whether as a columnist, a professor at the Carleton University’s School of Journalism and Communication, a commissioner of the CRTC or as the head of the Pearson Centre for Progressive Policy, you have brought attention to important and sensitive issues. Your contributions have helped Canada become a more progressive and fair country, and I have no doubt that you will pursue that great legacy in your time at the Senate.

Despite your very impressive career, what strikes me the most about you, Senator Cardozo, is your deep social involvement in your community. Over the years, you have been active in the Catholic Centre for Immigrants, the YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region, the Media Awareness Network and the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa. All those organizations were fortunate to count on you for leadership and support.

As President of the Pearson Centre, you have often given a platform for senators to express their views. Many colleagues have been invited to events and conferences. For my part, I remember fondly co-chairing with you a successful panel on the work of Parliament in front of a wide audience of diplomats. I now know that was only the beginning of our collaboration.

You said recently in an interview that the role of the Senate as a place of sober second thought means that legislation is often improved here, and that senators are also able to shine a spotlight on issues that deserve attention. It seems to me you already fully understand what we senators aim to do, as well as what your role and purpose in the chamber are going to be.

I have a feeling you will hit the ground running in your new role, but if you ever find yourself in need of anything, please know that the Independent Senators Group will always be ready to help.

Finally, I also know we share a common passion for the arts. I am very impressed by the artistic side of you. While as a painter you specialize in the abstract, I have a feeling that your contribution as a senator will be a tangible one.

From all the members of the Independent Senators Group, I wish you a warm welcome to the Senate of Canada. I have no doubt that you are in the right place at the right time.

Thank you, meegwetch.

Hon. Jane Cordy [ + ]

Honourable senators, on behalf of my colleagues in the Progressive Senate Group, I’m pleased to join with other leaders in welcoming another new voice to this chamber.

Senator Cardozo, I couldn’t resist finding some apt words from former Prime Minister Pearson in recognition of him being the namesake of your think tank. He once said:

We must keep on trying to solve problems, one by one, stage by stage, if not on the basis of confidence and cooperation, at least on that of mutual toleration and self-interest.

I’m sure, Senator Cardozo, you’re aware of the source, but for the benefit of others who might not, that was part of his Nobel Lecture on peace, delivered before he was prime minister. He was speaking about diplomacy during the Cold War. Although this speech was delivered 65 years ago, I think we can all imagine a time of tension between Washington and Moscow.

It is my belief that those words can also be of use here as you take your place in the upper chamber. We, too, are trying to solve problems, and although you will find differing proposed solutions — and that is a good thing — it is often necessary to remind ourselves that we all have the same self-interest: trying to make this country, Canada — and indeed, the world — a better place.

Senator Cardozo, you describe yourself on LinkedIn as a “wanna-be thinker in search of better ideas.” In this day and age, we can find things everywhere, Senator Cardozo. I certainly hope that you find some here. I know I speak for all Progressive senators when I say that we look forward to hearing what ideas you have brought with you.

On behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, welcome to the Senate of Canada. We look forward to working with you.

On behalf of the Canadian Senators Group, I add my voice today in welcoming Senator Andrew Cardozo to the Senate of Canada.

When you were appointed, your biography said the following:

Andrew Cardozo is a recognized expert on public policy, a columnist, and artist. A think-tank leader, his public policy areas of expertise span Canadian government and politics . . . .

As a think-tank leader, you are known for presenting bold new ideas to address sometimes complex issues. I have no doubt that these ideas will find a welcome audience, and maybe, now that you’re inside the policy-making machine, your proposals will move forward into action.

I read with interest your November 4, 2019, article in The Hill Times, in which you provided some bold proposals to deal with a lack of representation for Alberta and Saskatchewan in policy making at the higher echelons of the Government of Canada. You recommended the appointment to cabinet of some of our Senate colleagues, right here in this chamber, from Alberta and Saskatchewan. They’re sitting here now. I sadly noted that I was not on your list. I hope to impress you in the future, and we hope that you will continue with those bold ideas that so many Canadians noticed, admired and identified with.

Welcome again, sir. Your perspective is very welcome here: It’s needed.

On behalf of the Canadian Senators Group, we all look forward to working with you.

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