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Point of Order

December 9, 2021

Hon. Stan Kutcher [ - ]

Excuse me, Your Honour. I don’t know how to raise this. I don’t think it’s a point of order, but it’s a question. I don’t want to get into Senator White’s way.

Somebody named “ZoomGalUser12” has entered into our debate, making comments about issues that we have been discussing in the chat. We have asked who “ZoomGalUser12” is and have had no answer as to who that person is.

It’s in the chat function. We are debating these issues. Different senators have put comments or questions in the chat function for each other. Someone named “ZoomGalUser12” has entered the chat, and I don’t see which senator “ZoomGalUser12” is.

The Hon. the Speaker [ - ]

Thank you for raising that, Senator Kutcher. I have just been informed by the table that it’s one of the tablets in the chamber, and we are trying to ascertain which one it is. Is an honourable senator in the chamber using tablet Zoom12?

Can you wait until we resolve this, Senator Quinn, or is it pertinent to this?

Hon. Jim Quinn [ - ]

It’s pertinent to this. There are at least four other ZoomGal users on our participant list.

Senator Woo [ - ]

I’m a ZoomGal.

The Hon. the Speaker [ - ]

What I’m told, honourable senators, is that all of the tablets in the chamber are identified as ZoomGal but that honourable senators shouldn’t be using the chat in the chamber. Is that correct?

I assure honourable senators that I am not ZoomGalUser, but it’s my understanding that debates should happen on the floor or on Zoom, not in the Zoom chat. In my experience, the Zoom chat is used when you have technical difficulties and things like that, not as part of active debate on the sidelines.

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