Senators’ Statements
The Honourable Claudette Tardif
February 1, 2018
The Honorable Senator Raymonde Gagné:
Honourable senators, though it pains me to see her go, I rise today to pay tribute to Senator Claudette Tardif. Since her appointment, the Honourable Senator Tardif has been a key figure in setting the tone in this chamber, never deviating from the defining principles of the Senate, which are to protect the Charter, represent regional interests, and, of course, protect minorities. Behind her poise and thoughtful speeches is a strong, incisive message fired by a sacred flame. That sacred flame is the development of the French language in Canada and the protection of official language minority communities. That was how Senator Tardif came to be among those who slowly and meticulously laid the groundwork for a comprehensive modernization of the Official Languages Act.
As Chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages, she presided over the study of Bill S-205 introduced by retired Senator Maria Chaput in an especially difficult political context. This detailed study opened the door to a much-needed national discussion on law, linguistic identity, and the vitality of official language communities. It was in the Senate that that conversation was launched and the foundation for an overhaul was laid.
That same study motivated the 2016 decision by the President of the Treasury Board, the Honourable Scott Brison, to announce the first review of the supporting regulations in 25 years. Minister Brison had the fine idea of appointing Senator Tardif to an expert panel tasked with advising the minister in the context of this review. It is the Senate that has been driving and leading the national conversation on official languages for the past few years and we owe it all to Senator Tardif for having played such a patient, constructive, and unwavering leadership role.
Honourable senators, I know that Senator Tardif’s retirement is well earned, but selfishly I cannot help but feel that it is deeply unfair. I will feel a great absence in the Senate, the absence of an experienced and exceptionally knowledgeable senator who was a mentor, confidante, and friend to me since my swearing in. In the end, our time together in the Senate was brief, but Senator Tardif created a lasting bond for which I am and always will be truly grateful.
Today I salute a great senator, a great Franco-Albertan, and especially a great colleague and friend. Senator Tardif, thank you for everything. Your lasting legacy will live on long after your retirement. As a matter of fact, it will forever be impossible to imagine the Senate without a Franco-Albertan senator.