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RIDR - Standing Committee

Human Rights

Meeting Detail

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
6:08 PM
local time
Location: ACT Recreation Centre Main Hall, 2909-113 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB
Clerk: Joëlle Nadeau (613) 993-9021
Study on the issues relating to the human rights of federally-sentenced persons
  • Sue Coatham, Parole Officer Supervisor, Calgary Area Parole Office(Correctional Service Canada)
  • Chris Hay, Executive Director(John Howard Society of Alberta)
  • Clare McNab, Retired, Warden of Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge and former Deputy Warden of Bowden Institution, Correctional Service Canada(As an Individual)
  • Maria Morales(Correctional Service Canada Regional Ethnocultural Advisory Committee)
  • Lisa Neve(As an Individual)
  • Anoush Newman(Correctional Service Canada Regional Ethnocultural Advisory Committee)
  • Arthur Noskey, Grand Chief(Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta)
  • Travis Dugas(As an Individual)
  • Toni Sinclair, Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton(As an Individual)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription
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