Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Banking, Trade and
First Session Thirty-sixth Parliament, 1997-98
Chairman: The Honourable MICHAEL KIRBY
Thursday, May 7, 1998
Tuesday, May 12, 1998 (a.m.)
Tuesday, May
12, 1998 (p.m.)
Issue No. 18
Twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth meetings on:
Examination of the present state of the financial system in Canada
- Minutes of Proceedings
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings, May 7, 1998 (120K)
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings, May 12, 1998 (a.m.) (46K)
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings, May 12, 1998 (p.m.) (77K)
Thursday, May 7, 1998
From the Power Workers Union:
Mr. Peter Kelly, Executive Vice-President.
From the Canadian Teachers Federation:
Ms Jan Eastman, President;
Mr. John Staple, Director, Economic Services; and
Mr. Tom Ulrich, Assistant General Secretary, Manitoba Teachers' Society.
From the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board:
Mr. Claude Lamoureux, President and Chief Executive Officer.
Tuesday, May 12, 1998 (a.m.)
From the Canadian Council of Financial Analysts:
Ms Mary Ross Hendricks, Executive Director; and
Mr. Deleeh Paul, Head of the Ottawa Chapter.
Tuesday, May 12, 1998 (p.m.)
By videoconference:
From the Reserve Bank of New Zealand:
Mr. Donald Brash, Governor;
Mr. Ian Harrison; and
Mr. Peter Leddingham.
From the Commerce Commission, Government of New Zealand:
Mr. Peter Allport.
The Honourable Michael Kirby, Chairman
The Honourable David Tkachuk, Deputy Chairman
The Honourable Senators:
Angus, Austin, P.C., Callbeck, * Graham, P.C., (or Carstairs), Hervieux-Payette, P.C., Kelleher, P.C., Kenny, Kolber, * Lynch-Staunton (or Kinsella (acting)), Meighen, Oliver, Stewart
* Ex Officio Members
(Quorum 4)