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Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Legal and Constitutional Affairs

First Session Thirty-sixth Parliament, 1997-98

Chair: The Honourable LORNA MILNE

Monday, December 7, 1998

Issue No. 47

Seventh and eighth meetings on: Bill C-3, An Act respecting DNA identification and to make consequential amendments to the Criminal Code and other Acts


The Honourable Lawrence MacAuley, P.C., M.P., Solicitor General of Canada


Morning sitting

From the Office of the Privacy Commissioner:

Mr. Bruce Phillips, Commissioner;

Mr. Eugene Oscapella, Policy Advisor.

From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

Mr. Phillip Murray, Commissioner;

Dr. Ron Fourney, Research Scientist, DNA Methods and Data Bank, Central Forensic Laboratory;

Mr. Barry Gaudette, Chief Scientist, Central Forensic Laboratory.

Afternoon sitting

From the Department of the Solicitor General of Canada:

Mr. Jean Fournier, Deputy Minister;

Ms Yvette Aloisi, Director General, Police and Law Enforcement Directorate;

Mr. Paul DuBrule, Director, Legislative Services.


The Honourable Lorna Milne, Chair

The Honourable Pierre Claude Nolin, Acting Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Andreychuk, Beaudoin, Bryden, Buchanan, P.C., Eyton, Fraser, Grafstein, * Graham, P.C. (or Carstairs), Joyal, P.C., * Lynch-Staunton (or Kinsella (Acting)), Moore, Pépin

* Ex Officio Members

(Quorum 4)

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