Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs,
Science and Technology
Issue 2 - Minutes of Proceedings
OTTAWA, Monday, November 29, 1999
The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology met this day, in room 705, Victoria Building, at 1:00 p.m., the Chairman, the Honourable Michael Kirby, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: The Honourable Senators Beaudoin, Callbeck, Carstairs, Cook, Finestone, P.C., Gill, Keon, Kirby, LeBreton and Murray, P.C. (10)
Other senators present: The Honourable Senators Chalifoux, DeWare and Oliver (3).
In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: John Craig
Also in attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.
The committee continued its consideration of the subject matter of Bill C-6, An Act to support and promote electronic commerce by protecting personal information that is collected, used or disclosed in certain circumstances, by providing for the use of electronic means to communicate or record information or transactions and by amending the Canada Evidence Act, the Statutory Instruments Act and the Statute Revision Act. (For complete text of Order of Reference, see proceedings of the committee, Issue No. 1, dated Wednesday, November 24, 1999)
From the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association:
Murray Mollard, Policy Director.
From the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association:
Darrell Evans, Executive Director.
From the Public Interest Advocacy Centre:
Philippa Lawson.
From the Canadian Health Coalition:
Michael McBane, National Co-ordinator.
From the Insurance Bureau of Canada and Association of Canadian Insurers:
George D. Anderson, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Insurance Bureau of Canada.
From the Canadian Coalition Against Insurance Fraud:
Mary Lou O'Reilly, Executive Director.
From the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association:
Charles Black, Senior Advisor, Insurance Operations;
Jean-Pierre Bernier, Vice-President and General Counsel.
From the Canadian Dental Association:
Dr. John Diggens, President.
From the Canadian Medical Association:
Dr. Peter Vaughan, Secretary General and CEO;
Carole Lucock, Legal Counsel.
From the College of Family Physicians of Canada:
Dr. Winston Dykeman, Co-Chair of Committee on Health Information, Privacy and Security.
From the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC):
Gaylen Duncan, President and Chief Executive Officer.
From the AOL Canada:
Stephen J. Bartkiw, Chief Executive Officer.
From the Microsoft:
Michael Eisen, Canadian Director, Law and Corporate Affairs.
From the Equifax Canada Inc.:
Jackson L. Chercover, Barrister and Sollicitor
From the Canadian Bankers Association:
Alan Young, Vice-President, Policy;
Andrew Finlay, Assistant General Counsel, Employment Law Group, The Bank of Nova Scotia.
From the Canadian Marketing Association:
John Gustavson, President and Chief Executive Officer;
Mona Goldstein, Chair, Privacy and Ethics Committee.
Mr. Mollard made a statement. Mr. Evans made a statement. Ms Lawson made a statement. Mr. McBane made a statement. The witnesses, together with Mr. Bernier, answered questions.
Mr. Anderson made a statement. Ms O'Reilly made a statement. Mr. Black made a statement. The witnesses answered questions.
Dr. Vaughan made a statement. Dr. Diggens made a statement. Dr. Dykeman made a statement. The witnesses answered questions.
Mr. Duncan made a statement. Mr. Bartkiw made a statement. Mr. Eisen made a statement. Mr. Chercover made a statement. The witnesses answered questions.
Mr. Young made a statement. Mr. Gustavson made a statement. The witnesses answered questions.
The Chairman made a statement.
The committee began its consideration of the Developments since the tabling in June 1995 of the final report of the Special Senate Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, entitled: Of Life and Death.
It was moved by Senator Carstairs -- That a Subcommittee to Update "Of Life and Death" be established, comprising five members, including the Honourable Senators: Carstairs, Kirby, Pépin, Beaudoin and Keon;
That the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, November 25, 1999
That the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology be authorized to examine and report upon developments since the tabling in June 1995 of the final report of the Special Senate Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, entitled: Of Life and Death. In particular, the Committee shall be authorized to examine:
The progress on the implementation of the unanimous recommendations made in the report;
Developments in Canada respecting the issues dealt with in the report;
Developments in foreign jurisdictions respecting the issues dealt with in the report; and
That the Committee submit its final report no later than June 6, 2000;
be referred to the Subcommittee.
That the Subcommittee be authorized to send for persons, papers and records, whenever required, and to print from day to day such papers and evidence as may be ordered by it;
That, pursuant to Section 32 of the Financial Administration Act, the Committee's authority to commit funds be conferred on the Subcommittee;
That, pursuant to Section 34 of the Financial Administration Act and Guideline 3:05 of Appendix II of the Rules of the Senate, the Committee's authority for certifying accounts payable be conferred on the Subcommittee; and
That the Committee's power to permit coverage by electronic media of meetings be conferred on the Subcommittee.
The question being put on the motion, it was agreed.
At 6:04 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Catherine Piccinin
Clerk of the Committee