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SOCI - Standing Committee

Social Affairs, Science and Technology


Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Issue 24 - Minutes of Proceedings

OTTAWA, Thursday, June 23, 2005


The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology met at 11:00 a.m., this day, in camera, in room 705 Victoria Building, the Honourable Michael Kirby, Chair, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Callbeck, Cochrane, Cook, Cordy, Fairbairn, Keon, Kirby, LeBreton, Pépin, Stratton and Trenholme Counsell (11).

Other senator present: The Honourable Senator Maria Chaput (1).

In attendance: From the Library of Parliament Research Branch: Howard Chodos, Analyst, Political and Social Affairs Division and Tim Riordan, Analyst, Political and Social Affairs Division.

Pursuant to rule 92(2)(e), the committee proceeded in camera for the purpose of considering a draft agenda.

At 11:21 a.m., the committee suspended its sitting.

At 11:45 a.m., the committee resumed its sitting.

At 11:46 a.m., it was agreed that the committee adjourn to the call of the Chair.


OTTAWA, Thursday, June 30, 2005


The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology met at 10:45 a.m., this day, in room 705 Victoria Building, the Honourable Michael Kirby, Chair, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Callbeck, Chaput, Cook, Cordy, Fairbairn, P.C., Gill, Keon, Kirby, LeBreton and Stratton (10).

Other senator present: The Honourable Senator Sharon Carstairs, P.C. (1).

In attendance: From the Library of Parliament Research Branch: Howard Chodos, Analyst, Political and Social Affairs Division and Tim Riordan, Analyst, Political and Social Affairs Division.

Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.

Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Tuesday, June 14, 2005, the committee began its examination on Bill C-23, to establish the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development and to amend and repeal certain related acts.


The Honourable Belinda Stronach, P.C., M.P., Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development.


Human Resources and Skills Development Canada:

Barbara Glover, Director General, Corporate Planning and Accountability;

Michèle René de Cotret, Senior Counsel.

The Honourable Belinda Stronach made a statement. Together the witnesses answered questions.

At 11:59 a.m., the committee suspended its sitting.

At 12:04 p.m., the committee resumed its sitting.

Pursuant to the Order of Reference adopted by the Senate on Tuesday, June 21, 2005, the committee began its examination on Bill C-22 to establish the Department of Social Development and to amend and repeal certain related acts.


The Honourable Ken Dryden, P.C., M.P., Minister of Social Development.


Social Development Canada:

Peter Hicks, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Strategic Direction Branch;

Mitch Bloom, Director General, Policy and Legislation Branch;

Julie Lalonde-Goldenberg, General Counsel and Deputy Director, Legal Services.

The Honourable Ken Dryden made a statement. Together, the witnesses answered questions.

At 1:10 p.m., it was agreed that the committee adjourn to the call of the Chair.


Josée Thérien

Clerk of the Committee

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