Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Social Affairs, Science and Technology
Issue 26 - Evidence
OTTAWA, Thursday, July 7, 2005
The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, to which was referred Bill C-22, to establish the Department of Social Development and to amend and repeal certain related acts; and Bill C-23, to establish the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development and to amend and repeal certain related acts, met this day at 10:45 a.m. to give clause-by-clause consideration to the bills.
Senator Michael Kirby (Chairman) in the chair.
The Chairman: Honourable senators, we are here today to do two points of business. First, we will do clause-by- clause consideration of Bill C-23, and then we will do clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-22.
Bill C-23, as you will recall, establishes the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development and, as usual, to amend certain and other related acts.
We can skip clause-by-clause review if there is a unanimous desire to do so. If there is not, we can go through the clauses in order.
Do I have unanimous support to skip clause-by-clause consideration?
Senator Keon: I would so move, Mr. Chairman.
The Chairman: Then do I have authority from the committee to report the bill back at the next sitting of the Senate, which will be Monday, July 18, unamended?
Senator Cordy: I so move.
The Chairman: I take it we are in agreement that we have done that.
We will then proceed to Bill C-22, to establish the Department of Social Development and to amend and repeal certain other acts.
Again, could I have a unanimous motion to proceed by skipping clause-by-clause consideration and going right to the title?
Senator Keon: I so move.
The Chairman: Can I have a motion to report the bill back to the Senate at the next sitting, which is Monday July 18, unamended?
Senator Pépin: I so move, Mr. Chairman.
The Chairman: I take it that is done.
Senators, that is the only business before the committee. Before having a motion to terminate, I remind our colleagues that the reason that we are sitting on the week of September 19 for two round tables, which is the week before the Senate comes back, is that it is the only time we could fit in full day-long meetings, and they are the last two round tables that we need to do. That will be on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20 and 21.
On September 22, we will start consideration of as much of the draft report as has been written by then.
As you will notice in the schedule I sent out to you, I know some have trouble making that Thursday meeting, but there is a whole series of meetings through the fall on the reports. If you miss the odd one, do not think you cannot come back on the section we missed. We will do as we have done it before, which is to have several iterations to get to the final product.
Thank you, colleagues.
The committee adjourned.