Proceedings of the Standing
Senate Committee on
National Security and Defence
Third Session, Fortieth Parliament, 2010
Chair: The Honourable PAMELA WALLIN
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Issue No. 11
First and second meetings on:
Bill S-13, An Act to implement the Framework Agreement on Integrated Cross-Border Maritime Law
Enforcement Operations between the Government of Canada and
the Government of the United States of America
Tenth meeting on:
Canada's national security and defence policies
(Human smuggling)
- Order of Reference
- Minutes of Proceedings
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - February 7, 2010 (133K)
- Transcript (Evidence) of Proceedings - February 14, 2010 (119K)
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Honourable Vic Toews, P.C., M.P., Minister of Public Safety.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Public Safety Canada:
Graham Flack, Associate Deputy Minister;
Barry MacKillop, Director General, Law Enforcement and Border Strategies Directorate.
Australian High Commission:
His Excellency Justin Brown, High Commissioner of Australia;
Bruce Soar, Deputy High Commissioner of Australia;
Dot Harvey, Principal Migration Officer.
Ontario Provincial Police:
Chief Superintendant Brian Deevy, Commander, Field Support Bureau;
Staff Sergeant Brad R. Schlorff, Field Support Bureau, Emergency Management Section.
Windsor Police Service:
Deputy Chief Jerome Brannagan;
Superintendant Vince Power, Investigations.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Royal Canadian Mounted Police:
Deputy Commissioner Bob Paulson, Federal Policing;
Chief Superintendent Joseph Oliver, Director General, Border Integrity, Federal & International Operations.
Department of Justice Canada:
Michael Zigayer, Senior Counsel, Criminal Law Policy Section;
Sophie Beecher, Counsel, Public Safety Canada Legal Services;
Jacqueline Palumbo, Senior Counsel and Team Leader, International Assistance Group.
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne:
Acting Grand Chief Brian David, Mohawk Government;
Chief William Sunday, Mohawk Government;
Chief Wesley Benedict, Mohawk Government.
The Honourable Pamela Wallin, Chair
The Honourable Roméo Antonius Dallaire, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:Boisvenu, *Cowan (or Tardif), Day, Harb, Lang, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Comeau), Mitchell, Patterson, Plett
* Ex officio members
(Quorum 4)
Changes in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 85(4), membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The Honourable Senator Harb replaced the Honourable Senator Pépin (February 14, 2011).
The Honourable Senator Boisvenu replaced the Honourable Senator Manning (February 14, 2011).
The Honourable Senator Manning replaced the Honourable Senator Segal (February 9, 2011).
The Honourable Senator Lang replaced the Honourable Senator Marshall (February 9, 2011).
The Honourable Senator Mitchell replaced the Honourable Senator Munson (February 8, 2011).
The Honourable Senator Munson replaced the Honourable Senator Mitchell (February 7, 2011).
The Honourable Senator Segal replaced the Honourable Senator Manning (February 7, 2011).
The Honourable Senator Marshall replaced the Honourable Senator Lang (February 7, 2011).