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POFO - Standing Committee

Fisheries and Oceans

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Fisheries and Oceans

Second Session, Forty-first Parliament, 2013-14

Chair: The Honourable FABIAN MANNING

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Issue No. 10

Fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth meetings on:

The regulation of aquaculture, current challenges and future prospects for the industry in Canada


Thursday, May 29, 2014 (morning sitting)

Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association:

Pamela Parker, Executive Director.

Snow Island Salmon:

Bryan Bosien, Vice-President.

Cooke Aquaculture:

Nell Halse, Vice-President, Communications.

Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia:

Peter Corey, President;

Vicki Swan, Research and Development Coordinator.

Scotian Halibut Limited:

Brian Blanchard, Vice-President.

Northeast Nutrition Inc.:

Tom Taylor, Manager, Sales and Technical Support.

Thursday, May 29, 2014 (afternoon sitting)

Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia and Atoqua'su Farms:

Robin Stuart, Member.

Eel Lake Oyster Farm Ltd:

Nolan d'Eon, Owner and President.

As individuals:

Sarah Stewart-Clark, Assistant Professor, Shellfish Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University;

James Duston, Professor, Aquaculture, Department Plant and Animal Sciences, Dalhousie University;

Jon Grant, NSERC-Cooke Industrial Research Chair in Sustainable Aquaculture, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University.

Genome Atlantic:

Steven Armstrong, President and CEO.

St. Mary's Bay Coastal Alliance:

Brenda Patterson, Member.

The Ecology Action Centre:

Susanna Fuller, Marine Conservation Coordinator.

Lobster Council of Canada:

Stewart Lamont, Managing Director of Tangier Lobster Company Limited.

Nova Scotia Salmon Association:

Carl Purcell, Past President.

Thursday, May 29, 2014 (evening sitting)

Potlotek First Nation:

Charles Doucette, Fishery Manager.


The Honourable Fabian Manning, Chair

The Honourable Elizabeth Hubley, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Beyak, *Carignan, P.C. (or Martin), *Cowan (or Fraser), Enverga, Lovelace Nicholas, McInnis, Mercer, Munson, Poirier, Raine, Stewart Olsen, Wells

* Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

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