Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Banking, Trade and Commerce
First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 2015-16-17
Chair: The Honourable DOUGLAS BLACK
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Issue No. 53
Consideration of a draft agenda (future business)
Fifth and sixth meetings:
Examine and report on the potential benefits and challenges of open banking for Canadian financial services consumers, with specific focus on the federal government's regulatory role
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
King & Wood Mallesons, Australia:
Scott Farrell, Partner (by video conference).
As an individual:
Peter Harris, former Chairman of the Australian Productivity Commission (by video conference).
Thursday, March 21, 2019
As an individual:
Kirsten Thompson, Member, Advisory Committee on Open Banking, and Partner, Dentons Canada.
Financial Data and Technology Association (FDATA):
Steven Boms, Executive Director.
Electronic Transactions Association:
Scott Talbott, Senior Vice-President, Government Affairs.
Wealthsimple Financial Corp.:
Blair Wiley, General Counsel and Head of Regulatory Affairs.
Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies:
Normand Lafrenière, President.
Interac Corp.:
Debbie Gamble, Chief Officer, Innovation Labs and New Ventures.
Canadian Credit Union Association:
Athana Mentzelopoulos, Vice President, Government Relations and Member Relations.
The Honourable Douglas Black, Chair
The Honourable Carolyn Stewart Olsen, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:
Dagenais, Day, *Day (or Mercer), Deacon (Nova Scotia), Frum, *Harder, P.C. (or Bellemare) (or Mitchell), Klyne, Lovelace Nicholas, Marshall, Ringuette, *Smith (or Martin), Tkachuk, Verner, P.C., Wallin, Wetston, *Woo (or Saint-Germain)
*Ex officio members
(Quorum 4)
Changes in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 12-5 and to the orders of the Senate of November 7, 2017, and of November 20, 2018, membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The Honourable Senator Ringuette replaced the Honourable Senator Duncan (March 21, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Verner, P.C., replaced the Honourable Senator Duffy (March 21, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Duncan replaced the Honourable Senator Ringuette (March 20, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Duffy replaced the Honourable Senator Verner, P.C. (March 19, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Ringuette replaced the Honourable Senator Duncan (March 21, 2019).