Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Legal and Constitutional Affairs
First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 2015-16-17-18
Chair: The Honourable SERGE JOYAL, C.P.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Issue No. 60
First and second meetings:
Bill C-75, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
The Honourable David Lametti, P.C., M.P., Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Department of Justice Canada:
François A. Daigle, Associate Deputy Minister;
Laurie Wright, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister;
Carole Morency, Director General and Senior General Counsel;
Shannon Davis-Ermuth, Senior Counsel;
Paulette Corriveau, Counsel;
Matthias Villetorte, Senior Counsel and Team Lead.
Public Prosecution Service of Canada:
Don Beardall, General Counsel.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Canadian Bar Association:
Tony Paisana, Legislative and Law Reform Coordinator (by video conference).
Law Society of Ontario:
Sheena Weir, Executive Director, External Relations and Communications;
Will Morrison, Strategic Policy Counsel, Policy Division.
Federation of Law Societies of Canada:
Frederica Wilson, Executive Director, Policy and Public Affairs and Deputy Chief Executive Officer (by video conference);
Morgan Cooper, Vice President.
Criminal Lawyers Association:
Daniel Brown, Vice President;
Annamaria Enenajor, Committee Member.
Canadian Council of Criminal Defence Lawyers:
William Trudell, Chair.
Canadian Police Association:
Tom Stamatakis, President.
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police:
Dale Weidman, Inspector;
Rachel Huntsman, Legal Counsel.
The Honourable Serge Joyal, P.C., Chair
The Honourable Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Renée Dupuis, Deputy Chair
The Honourable Senators:
Batters, Carignan, P.C., Dalphond, *Day (or Mercer), Dyck, Gold, *Harder, P.C. (or Bellemare) (or Mitchell), Lankin, P.C., McIntyre, Pratte, Sinclair, *Smith (or Martin), *Woo (or Saint-Germain)
* Ex officio members
(Quorum 4)
Changes in membership of the committee:
Pursuant to rule 12-5 and to the orders of the Senate of November 7, 2017 and of November 20, 2018, membership of the committee was amended as follows:
The Honourable Senator Dyck replaced the Honourable Senator Jaffer (May 1, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Sinclair replaced the Honourable Senator Boniface (May 1, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Lankin, P.C. replaced the Honourable Senator McCoy (April 23, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Boniface replaced the Honourable Senator Ringuette (April 17, 2019).
The Honourable Senator Carignan, P.C. replaced the Honourable Senator Smith (April 11, 2019).