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SECD - Standing Committee

National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Security and Defence

First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 2015-16-17-18

Chair: The Honourable GWEN BONIFACE

Monday, May 28, 2018
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Issue No. 27

Nineteenth and twentieth meetings:
Examine and report on Canada's national security and defence policies, practices, circumstances and capabilities

Second and third (final) meetings:
The subject matter of those elements contained in Part 4 of Bill C-74, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 27, 2018 and other measures

(Examine the subject matter of those elements contained in Part 4 of Bill C-74, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 27, 2018 and other measures)


Monday, May 28, 2018

Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces:

Rear-Admiral Jennifer Bennett, Director General, Canadian Armed Forces Strategic Response Team on Sexual Misconduct;

Sanela Dursun, Director, Research Personnel and Family Support, Defence Research and Development Canada;

Colonel David Antonyshyn, Deputy Judge Advocate General, Military Justice.

As an individual:

The Honourable Marie Deschamps, C.C. (by video conference).

It's Just 700:

Marie-Claude Gagnon, Founder.

The chair made a statement.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

Brenda Lucki, Commissioner.


The Honourable Gwen Boniface, Chair

The Honourable Jean-Guy Dagenais, Deputy Chair

The Honourable Mobina S.B. Jaffer, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Boisvenu, *Day (or Mercer), Doyle, *Harder, P.C. (or Bellemare), (or Mitchell), McPhedran, Oh, Richards, *Smith (or Martin), *Woo (or Saint-Germain)

*Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Changes in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 12-5 and to the order of the Senate of November 7, 2017, membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The Honourable Senator Doyle replaced the Honourable Senator Mockler (May 29, 2018).

The Honourable Senator Mockler replaced the Honourable Senator McIntyre (May 25, 2018).

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