OTTAWA, Wednesday, February 26, 2020
The Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade met this day at 4:45 p.m., pursuant to rule 12-13 of the Rules of the Senate, to organize the activities of the committee.
Gaëtane Lemay, Clerk of the Committee: Good afternoon and welcome.
Honourable senators, as clerk of your committee, it is my duty to preside over the election of a chair for this committee. I’m ready to receive a motion to that effect. I saw Senator MacDonald first, then Senator Dawson and Senator Massicotte.
Senator MacDonald: I’d like to move that the Honourable Senator Leo Housakos do take the chair of this committee.
Senator Dawson: I was going to propose the same thing, but if I can’t, I’ll propose Senator MacDonald.
I second that motion.
Ms. Lemay: Senator Massicotte?
Senator Massicotte: I also second the motion.
Ms. Lemay: So we basically have one motion in front of us.
Senator Greene: Maybe we have the same thing, but I just wanted to be sure that this is an interim committee and the appointments are on an interim basis.
Ms. Lemay: As per the motion creating the committee.
Senator Greene: That’s fine. I just wanted to make it understood to everybody.
Ms. Lemay: Are there any other nominations? If not, is it your pleasure, honourable senators, to adopt the motion?
Hon. Senators: Agreed.
Ms. Lemay: Motion carried. I now invite Senator Housakos to take the chair, please.
Senator Leo Housakos (Chair) in the chair.
The Chair: Thank you, colleagues. I keep winning elections when no one is running against me. It’s fantastic.
Let’s get through the issues that we have to address. Item number 2 is the election of the deputy chair. We will now proceed to that election. I’m ready to receive motions for deputy chair.
Senator Greene: I’d like to put forward the name of Senator Paul Massicotte.
The Chair: Are there any other motions? There are none.
It is moved by Senator Greene that Senator Massicotte become the interim deputy chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Congratulations, Senator Massicotte.
Senator Massicotte: Thank you.
The Chair: Item 3 is the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure. Do I have a proposer for the third motion?
Senator Cordy: I move Senator Dawson.
The Chair: It is moved by Senator Cordy that Senator Dawson become the third member of the steering committee. Senator Dawson, do you accept?
Senator Dawson: Yes, but only for the interim.
The Chair: Thank you, Senator Dawson.
Motion 4 is about publishing committee proceedings. Do I have a proposer for motion 4 to authorize us to publish proceedings? It is moved by Senator Coyle that the committee publish its proceedings.
The fifth item is the authorization to hold meetings and to receive evidence when quorum is not present. Do I have a motion? Thank you, Senator Coyle; motion 5 is carried.
Motion 6 is the financial report. As per rule 12-26(2), each committee has to table a report on the expenses incurred during the previous session. A copy of the draft report prepared by the clerk was distributed at the beginning of the meeting. Do I have a mover for that motion? It is moved by Senator Massicotte, and carried.
Motion 7 is related to research staff. Do I have a proposer for this motion? It is moved by Senator Bovey that the committee ask the Library of Parliament to assign analysts to the committee; that the chair be authorized to seek authority — may I dispense? Thank you, colleagues.
Motion 8 has to do with the authority to commit funds and certify accounts. Do I have a proposer for motion 8? So moved, Senator Ngo. Senator Ataullahjan, do you have a question?
Senator Ataullahjan: It’s okay; next one.
The Chair: So motion 8 carries, colleagues.
Motion 9 is travel. Do I have a proposer for motion 9? Senator Massicotte moves that the committee empower the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure to designate, as required, one or more members of the committee and/or staff as may be necessary to travel on assignment on behalf of the committee.
Item 10 is designation of members travelling on committee business. Do I have a proposer? Senator Ngo moves item number 10, and it carries.
Item 11 relates to travelling and living expenses of witnesses. Do I have a proposer for motion 11? Thank you, Senator Coyle; motion 11 carries.
Motion 12; communications. Do I have a proposer for motion 12?
Senator Ataullahjan: So moved.
The Chair: It is moved by Senator Ataullahjan — the most important motion — and carried.
Item 13 is other business: time slot for regular meetings. It is so moved by Senator Massicotte. The Foreign Affairs Committee usually meets on Wednesday afternoons from 4:15 to 6:15 and Thursday mornings from 10:30 to 12:30. However, for the purpose of studying Bill C-4, the committee was given the flexibility to meet outside of these time slots if need be. At this time, the committee can go in camera to discuss future business. Do we all agree with the timetable, colleagues? Thank you, colleagues.
There is no other business for today until we have a steering meeting to determine the agenda and list of witnesses. If there are any questions or discussions to be had, I suggest you give steering an opportunity to go into a meeting to determine a list of witnesses and the process going forward, unless the clerk has another idea.
Ms. Lemay: The analysts would like to get some direction on how to go about doing the study. They are here and they have prepared a briefing note.
The Chair: Can we introduce the analysts and bring them to the table if they’re here? Come join us, please, and introduce yourselves.
Ms. Lemay: Do you want to go in camera?
The Chair: Colleagues, we can have that discussion in camera, if there’s no disagreement.
(The committee continued in camera.)