OTTAWA, Monday, June 7, 2021
Pursuant to the order of the Senate of March 30, 2021, the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources met this day by videoconference at 11:02 a.m. [ET], the chair, the Honourable Paul J. Massicotte, presiding. This meeting is considered to have taken place in the parliamentary precinct.
Members of the committee present by videoconference: The Honourable Senators Anderson, Black (Alberta), Carignan, P.C., Cotter, Galvez, Massicotte, McCallum, Miville-Dechêne, Patterson, Simons, Verner, P.C., and Wells (12).
Participating in the meeting: Barbara Reynolds, Procedural Clerk, and Sébastien Payet, Legislative Clerk, Committees Directorate; Sam Banks and Jesse Good, Analysts, Parliamentary Information and Research Services, Library of Parliament.
Also present: The official reporters of the Senate.
Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on June 2, 2021, the committee began its examination of the subject matter of Bill C-12, An Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada’s efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.
WITNESSES (by videoconference):
Department of Finance Canada:
Samuel Millar, Director General, Corporate Finance, Natural Resources and Environment, Economic Development and Corporate Finance.
Environment and Climate Change Canada:
John Moffet, Assistant Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Branch;
Vincent Ngan, Director General, Horizontal Policy, Engagement and Coordination.
The chair made a statement.
Mr. Moffet made a statement and, together with Mr. Millar and Mr. Ngan, answered questions.
At 12:18 p.m., the committee suspended.
At 12:19 p.m., the committee resumed in camera, pursuant to rule 12-16(1)(d), to consider a draft agenda (future business).
At 12:54 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.
Chantal Cardinal
Clerk of the Committee