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ENEV - Standing Committee

Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources



OTTAWA, Thursday, May 12, 2022


Pursuant to the order of the Senate of May 5, 2022, the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources met this day in room W110, 1 Wellington Street, and with videoconference, at 9:02 a.m. ET, the chair, the Honourable Paul J. Massicotte, presiding.

Members of the committee present by videoconference: The Honourable Senators Anderson, Carignan, P.C., Galvez, Gignac, McCallum, Patterson, Seidman, and Sorensen (8).

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Arnot, Massicotte and Miville-Dechêne (3).

Other senators present: The Honourable Senator Kutcher (1).

Participating in the meeting: Martine Willox, Legislative Clerk and Louise Martel, Administrative Assistant, Committees Directorate; Jesse Good and Wu DiYing, analysts, Library of Parliament.

Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, April 7, 2022, the committee continued its examination of Bill S-5, Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act.

WITNESSES (by videoconference):

Breast Cancer Action Quebec:

Jennifer Beeman, Director General;

Lise Parent, Biologist and Endocrine Disrupter Specialist.

Women's Healthy Environments Network:

Kanisha Acharya-Patel, Executive Director.

Prevent Cancer Now:

Meg Sears, Chair.

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment:

Dr. Ojistoh Horn, Physician and Member of the CAPE Board;

Jane McArthur, Toxics Campaign Director.

As an individual:

Jeff Brook, Assistant Professor, Dalla Lane School of Public Health, University of Toronto;

Trevor Dummer, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia.

Jennifer Beeman, Kanisha Acharya-Patel and Trevor Dummer each made a statement and, together with Lise Parent, answered questions.

Dr. Ojistoh Horn, Meg Sears and Jeff Brook each made a statement and, together with Jane McCarthur, answered questions.

At 11:03 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Chantal Cardinal

Clerk of the Committee

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