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SECD - Standing Committee

National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs



OTTAWA, Monday, November 20, 2023


The Standing Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs met this day at 3:05 p.m., in room C128, Senate of Canada Building, the chair, the Honourable Tony Dean, presiding.

Members of the committee present: The Honourable Senators Boehm, Boisvenu, Cardozo, Carignan, P.C., Dagenais, Dasko, Deacon (Ontario), Dean, Miville-Dechêne, Plett, Richards and Yussuff (12).

Participating in the meeting: Ariel Shapiro and Anne-Marie Therrien-Tremblay, analysts, Library of Parliament.

Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the Senate on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the committee continued its consideration of Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms).


Association des directeurs de police du Québec:

Didier Deramond, Director General (by videoconference).

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police:

Bill Fordy, Deputy Chief, Co-Chair, Special Purpose Committee on Firearms (by videoconference).

First Nations Chiefs of Police Association:

Edward Lennard Busch, Executive Director (by videoconference).

Vancouver Police Department:

Fiona Wilson, Deputy Chief Constable.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

Mandip Mann, Assistant Commissioner, Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit — British Columbia (by videoconference);

Joel Hussey, Inspector, Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit — British Columbia (by videoconference).

Customs and Immigration Union:

Mark Weber, National President.

As individuals:

André Gélinas, Detective Sergeant (Retired), Intelligence Division, Service de police de la Ville de Montréal.

Stéphane Wall, Supervisor (Retired), Service de police de la Ville de Montréal.

Bill Fordy made a statement.

At 3:13 p.m., the committee suspended.

At 3:16 p.m., the committee resumed.

Didier Deramond and Edward Lennard Busch each made a statement and, together with Bill Fordy, answered questions.

At 4:04 p.m., the Honourable Senator Miville-Dechêne replaced the Honourable Senator Kutcher as a member of the committee.

At 4:08 p.m., the committee suspended.

At 4:14 p.m., the committee resumed.

Fiona Wilson and Mandip Mann each made a statement and, together with Joel Hussey, answered questions.

At 5:10 p.m., the committee suspended.

At 5:20 p.m., the committee resumed.

Mark Weber, Stéphane Wall and André Gelinas each made a statement and answered questions

At 6:23 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the chair.


Ericka Dupont

Clerk of the Committee

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