38th Parliament,
1st Session
(October 4, 2004 - November 28, 2005)
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Meeting Detail
Examine and report on the involvement of Aboriginal communities and businesses in economic development activities in Canada
- Nelson Daychief, Chairman of the Board and Education Director(Sunchild E-Learning Community)
- Lyle Dodginghorse, Councillor(Tsuu T'ina Nation)
- Harley Frank(First Nations Oil and Gas Pilot Project)
- Leonard Good Eagle, Chair(First Nations Oil and Gas Pilot Project)
- Harry Goodrunning, Education Portfolio Holder, Sunchild First Nation(Sunchild E-Learning Community)
- Kirby Manyfingers(First Nations Oil and Gas Pilot Project)
- Peter K. Manywounds, Special Projects Consultant(Tsuu T'ina Nation)
- Ryan Robb, Business Development Officer(Treaty 7 Management Corporation)
- Martin Sacher, CEO and Program Administrator(Sunchild E-Learning Community)
- Edwina Stump, CEO(Treaty 7 Management Corporation)
- Roy Vermillion, CEO(Athabasca Tribal Council)
Meeting with interpretation and transcription